Chapter 35- The Corea Kingdom

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When we stepped into the city of the "Corea Kingdom" I was astonished to see a busy marketplace with lots of people walking and minding their work that morning. No one noticed us, well, me because no one could see Yoongi's consciousness. There were different types of meat, clothes, and jewelry sold there which I have never seen before. Yoongi's consciousness walked in front of me in that busy marketplace as I was just admiring those unique things that were sold there. Then, suddenly he turned around and stopped me. I looked at him in confusion but did not make it so obvious as people would think I am insane talking to myself.

"That is the palace," Yoongi's consciousness pointed out afar ahead me.

"Wow, that is beautiful!" I was enchanted by the majestic view of the palace from far.

"For now, you have to stay in one of the chambermaid's houses before you can enter the castle," he said as he pulled my arm.

I followed him quietly and reached in front of one of the houses. He told me to call out for the chambermaids from outside, and I awkwardly called out. I noticed an elderly woman step out of the house and greeted me with a huge smile on her wrinkled face. I smiled back at her and nodded at her with respect.

"If you want a place to stay, you are welcomed. Food and water are provided, but the rent must be on time," the elderly woman said as she brought me around the house.

I thought this whole experience was too good to be true. Who would accept some random stranger in weird clothing into their house and welcome them with a huge smile on their kind faces? I didn't want to overthink the situation, so I just accepted the offer as I know I wouldn't have anywhere to stay if I miss this offer. The lady brought me some of her chambermaids' clothes and showed me my room. I took the clothes in and sat on my bed in the room. I knew some clothes wouldn't fit me as I am on the chubby side and looking at how slim these chambermaids were, I would have combined four of their clothes just to make mine.

I did not want to wear any of the traditional Korean dress which was called the hanbok, at the moment, so, I managed to find a rugged and loose blouse that was hanging on the drying line inside the house. I quickly took a shower and changed into that rugged loose clothes and wanted to look around the marketplace. It was their last call for selling their goods for the day so most of them were selling their goods at their lowest price.

Just as I walked to one of the stall vendors there, Yoongi's consciousness appeared again. Since only I could see him, I tried to keep a low-key seeing him appear beside me magically. He saw me looking through some butterfly hairpins, and he decided to choose one for me.

"That one would look pretty on you," he said pointing at the purple butterfly hairpin.

I looked at him and took the purple hairpin from the vendor. I asked for the price and surprisingly, the vendor wanted to gift me that hairpin instead.

"You are new here I suppose, miss? Just take it as a welcome gift from me," the vendor said as he handed me the hairpin willingly.

"Oh, thank you very much! You are sweet," I was grateful and thanked him.

The vendor smiled back at me and I happily took the hairpin and hooked it on my hair gently. Yoongi's consciousness looked at me and smirked as I raised my eyebrows looking at him.

"예쁜 (Pretty)," he said as he smirked at me.

I smiled softly and continued walking around the place for at least an hour before they were packing their goods to head home to their families. I turned around and looked at Yoongi's consciousness and wanted to ask about Yoongi.

"You still haven't said anything about Yoongi or brought me to him," I said as we walked through the busy marketplace.

"Well, he is-oh, I can sense him. He is close," Yoongi's consciousness looked around suspiciously.

"He is? Where is he?" I asked him curiously.

Just then everyone was yelling that the king is here, and the situation turned into chaos within minutes. I noticed a few royal guards marching towards us and the vendors around me came out of their stalls and bowed their heads. Some were even kneeling on their knees as they bowed their heads to the ground.

"That is your Min Yoongi," Yoongi's consciousness who was beside me pointed and smirked proudly.

I looked up, and I saw Min Yoongi in royal clothes and everyone was bowing their heads to him as he approached them. He didn't notice me because I was hiding behind some vendors and I thought it would be best if he didn't know that I came to see him.

"He is the king?" I mumbled under my breath in shock.

I thought I was going to faint at any moment due to the shock. My brain stutters for a moment and my eyes take in more light than I expected, every part of me goes on pause while my thoughts catch up. After a wash of cold, I step from the shadows, feeling a new warmth to the day. I place my hand on my temples and whispered to myself, "It'll be okay, it will."

"Shock can be good, can be bad, yet it is always a signal a change in-game is required," Yoongi's consciousness uttered seeing how shocked I was seeing Min Yoongi as their king.

"Shut up, will you?! You should have said something earlier, but you chose not to. So, don't convince me by beating around the bush now," I was annoyed at Yoongi's consciousness.

"Language, lady! Watch who are speaking to," Yoongi's consciousness remarked.

"I don't care! You could have told me earlier. You have other intentions, don't you?" I smeared at him.

"Other intentions like what? You are not even worth it, lady!" Yoongi's consciousness uttered in anger.

I was taken aback that even Yoongi's consciousness didn't find me attractive. As I could recollect, Min Yoongi uttered the same statement to me when we had the deal back in my world. Then I thought, "Ah, why bother?!"

"The king would love to invite everyone here for his crowing next week. The invitations would be delivered to your houses as it was the queen's order. She hopes to see all of you for her son's crowning," one of the royal guards read the royal scroll in his hand.

I saw Min Yoongi looking uninterested in the announcement from his royal guards and that made me chuckle a little. Luckily no one saw me chuckle as I was afraid my head would be detached from my chubby body at that moment by the guards. I saw them leaving the premises and the vendors went back to pack their things to head back home that day. I walked back to the house and saw Yoongi's consciousness sitting in front of the house steps.

"You can be angry at me for being rude to you just a while ago, but I am mad at you for keeping this a secret from me," I rationalize with him as I entered the house.

"Would you have believed me if I have said anything about this?" he asked me back as he followed me into the house.

"It doesn't matter if I would believe or not, you should have said something about this to me," I explained my logic to him.

Yoongi's consciousness looked mad at me for being stubborn and trying to rationalize his action in front of him. He looked back to the entrance of the house saw two chambermaids entering the house. They looked happy and excited about the crowing, and they were discussing what to wear for that day. They saw me and froze in their step.

"Are the new girl that mother said about earlier?" one of them asked me curiously.

"Yes, indeed I am," I nodded my head with a huge smile on my face.

"Well, welcome new girl. Do you have a name?" the next one asked me.

"That is okay, I want to call you unnie (elder sister in the Korean language). Is that okay with you?" one of them asked me excitedly.

"Yeah, sure! Why not?" I excitedly replied to her.

"Yah, I am much elder to you, but you don't even call me unnie, but you are calling the new chambermaid unnie?" one of them started arguing in front of me.

"Hold that thought! Did you just say, new chambermaid?" I asked them back in shock.

"Yes, you are the new chambermaid for the royal duties around the castle. Mother told us that you would be assigned work by tomorrow evening," one of the girls said.

I widened my eyes and looked at Yoongi's consciousness who was busy biting his nails pretending not to hear a word from any one of us. Just then, the same elderly lady called out for those two chambermaids outside. I called Yoongi's consciousness inside my room so that I could have a decent conversation with him. He nodded and entered my room as I closed the doors behind me.

"You have to be happy now as you can see your Min Yoongi in the castle," he said as he sat on my bed.

"I am, but I am still mad at you for not telling me about Min Yoongi," I looked at him and smirked.

"It doesn't matter now. He needs your help, and only you can help him," he said.

"What makes you think that I can help him?" I asked him curiously.

"You are not from this world, so you could bring him back with you easily without getting caught," he explained.

"Anyone could do that. How did those Mythical Horsemen enter my world through that portal without being caught?" I asked him again.

"They owned their world in here, so, they found it easy to travel in and out anytime they like unlike us. If someone not from our world enters our world, they can't get back to their world easily," he continued to explain to me.

"Why is that so?" I asked him trying to clear my doubts.

"Look, Min Yoongi came into this world with someone from this world, so, that is why he requires someone from his world to get him back to his world. Understand?" Yoongi's consciousness said.

"So, meaning, he needs the same energy from another person of his own world to get back to his world?" I asked him again to confirm.

"Exactly. So, now, just get some rest, and we will talk about this tomorrow," Yoongi's consciousness said as he got up from the bed.

I took a deep breath and tried to take in all the illogical situation that was happening around me. I saw Yoongi's consciousness vanish in the thin air leaving me to overthink and get nervous about the next day. I was excited to meet Yoongi after a long time, but I was also nervous for no reason at all.

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