Chapter 1

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A/N: I am not the best at writing stories. I am not copying any story, if one is similar i understand, there are plenty of werewolf stories.  Swearing is included

My name is Fleur, Im 16 and i officially hate my life. Well lets see how it all started, eh?

"Get up you lazy bitch" My "Mother" Yelled at me

I opened my eyes and got out of bed, I ran down the stairs and started cooking for the pack. Oh yeah did i forget to mention Im a werwolf. I belong to the Shadow moon Pack, they treat me as there slave, out of all the rooms i get the attic, Great, Right?

I started cooking and preparing the table before everyone else woke up.

"Where is my Bacon? Whore!" Kenzie Yelled at me. She was horrible, She was deluded into thinking she was gonna be the luna, Yeah right.

I ran over and gave her the bacon. She growled at me. I walked off and grabbed my bag. I guess i gotta start walking to school. 

I arrived at school, my hair soaking wet. Great! I made my way to first lesson with my note book in my hand. 

"Fleur, You're late!" Mr Anderson Yelled 

Sorry Sir I wrote on my note book. 

"sit down!" He said

I made my way to my seat ignoring all the awkward stares. I took my place at the back, where i belong. After a long boring lesson of maths it was lunch, I barley ate anything, I was always told i was fat so i barley eat. I always sat by myself. 

"Hah look, She has no friends" i heard Kenzie say to her friend Brianne.

"Oh my god, She is such a loser, Look at her Top, She looks like a slut" Brianne said

Well Brianne is more of a slut than me! Atleats she gets guys! Wait what am i thinking?! I would never want to be like Brianne, I think she was born with half a brain.

A/N: Sorry it is so short, I hope you enjoy this first chapter :) 


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