Chapter 10

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This chapter was wrote by xxhannarockzxx

I got up. Leaves, and twigs in my dark black hair.  Everything is kind of blurry since I just woke up. The smell in the atmosphere is different, since I'm alone. I stand up, well.... More than tried to stand up. My foot is asleep! I stand on one leg and shake it back to life, before starting my journey. I hope i can find my way back. Let's see. Do I take a right? Or a left? Or do I go straight? 

Someone....... Help..... Please....Ugh. I run my hand threw my hair, hoping to get most of the leaves and twigs out.I mentally face palm myself for falling asleep. I sigh and look around, dramatically throwing my hands up in the air. I suddenly feel a bug crawling up my shoulder. ew eW EW! I jump and probably look like a dummy, trying to get a big off of me. As soon as I know it's dead I sigh in relief. That could've been a disaster. I just keep walking straight. Who knows what I could find. I can find another mate. Or another pack house. Or another bug. Ew not another bug.I shudder at a thought of a bug. Spiders are the worse to. A snap of a twig in front of me brought me back to reality. I quickly hide behind a tree. Sniffing the air. I peak behind the tree slowly and quietly.

I see Chloe! CHLOE! OH HOW I MISSED YOU SO- boom! A loud bang shot through the air. My eyes go wide and my heart starts pounding through my chest and head making my head hurt and light headed. "There!" She shouted and pointed at my tree. 

"Fluer! Come out its just me!" She shouted.

 Hearing her foot steps get closer and closer until I felt her presents no were near me any more. "Boo." She whispered in my ear making me jump out of my skin.

 She laughed at my reaction. Then she ran and gave me a hug. "We didn't know where you were! Here your note book write down what happened!"

 She quickly handed me my note book and pen."Well Justin brought me here and I fell asleep and I just woke up," I wrote down simply, giving it back to her. "Aw," she came and gave me a hug.

 I hugged her back."MINE!" A voice boomed through the woods making us stiff not wanting to move. Neither of us moved.....

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