The Flower Dance

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The flower dance was today and the thought of being partnerless was making me a bit anxious. Mayor Lewis mentioned in his letter that I could ask someone to dance but who could I ask? I was still new to Stardew Valley and I wasn't particularly close with anyone yet.

I thought about everyone that I've talked to so far to try and get an idea of what my options were. I guess Alex is kind of nice. I see him every morning on my way to the mines and he always greets me as I pass by. I feel like he would be dancing with Haley though so I don't think I'll ask him.

The only other person I see daily is...Shane. I also greet him every morning while on my way to the mines but he always brushes me off. It's either that or he replies with some rude remarks.

Would he want to dance with me? Sure, he wasn't exactly the nicest person to me when we first met but after his birthday...he seemed to have let down his walls a bit. He isn't as rude to me and sometimes he'll even give me a quick greeting before he decides to run away by walking faster.

I can feel my face warm up with the thought of Shane as my dance partner. It's just a dance right? If he rejects me it's fine. Yet the thought of dancing with him just adds more fuel to my ever growing crush on him. I guess...I guess I'll be asking Shane then.

I quickly finish watering my crops and race indoors to shower and get ready. Once I'm cleaned up I make my way towards Cindersap Forest. 

I quickly greet everyone and make light conversation before making my way towards Shane. He's eating something by the table but once he sees me he sets down his plate and greets me.

"Hey (y/n)." 

I feel a smile make its way onto my face. I push away my feelings of nervousness and decide to just ask him. "Hi! Um. I was wondering if uh. If you wanted to dance with me?"

He looks a bit surprised at my question. "You want to be my partner for the flower dance? Okay. I look forward to it." 

My smile grows even wider as Mayor Lewis tells everyone the dance is about to start. Shane smiles at me and grabs my hand, leading me to the center of the field. 

Everyone is facing their partner and as the music starts they all begin to dance perfectly while I do my best to mimic their movements. I'm not sure what to do so I begin adding a few of my own dance moves. Shane laughs at me as he watches me fail miserably at keeping up with everyone. Hearing his laugh and seeing his smile makes me laugh too and I'm happy he agreed to be my dance partner.

After hours of dancing the flower dance is finally over and Shane walks me to my house. We make light conversation on the way there and throw a few jokes back and forth.

Once we make it to my front door he lets out a chuckle and sits on the steps with his arms folded as he says, "I think you should stick to your crops, (Y/n). Dancing isn't your strongest point." 

I laugh at this and sit right next to him and nudge his arm. "Well...maybe you can teach me?", I say as I look into his eyes with a soft smile.

Shanes face grows a bit warmer and he lets out an awkward cough. He looks away from me and says, "Uh. Yeah sure. Maybe next year you won't be so terrible."

I rest my face on one hand as I decide to tease him a bit. "Oh? Next year? So does that mean you'll be my partner again?", I say as I lean in a bit closer to Shane.

Shane starts to become a bit flustered and doesn't really know how to respond.  "I...sure. Okay. I mean, I don't see why not." He says as he begins to fidget with his hands. 

I reach over and hold his hand. Shane flinches for a second and his eyes shoot up to meet mine. 

I smile at him and say, "Well I better head off to bed but I had a good time dancing with you today Shane and... I look forward to next year. Good night." I stand up and let go of his hand heading for the front door. 

Shane stays on the steps looking back at me and says, "I had a good time dancing with you too. Good night." 

With that I give him one last smile and close the door and get ready for bed. Shane slowly gets up from his spot and walks back home with a blush and a soft grin on his face.

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