Chapter 4

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Sweetie and Matthew walked into the castle throne room.

Sweetie:Start looking around for something.


Suddenly Rocky, Rubble, and Marshall walked in.

Rocky: What's going on here?

Matthew:Hey you three, you guys find anything?

Rocky:Nope, what about you two?

Sweetie: Nothing yet, the tiny decided that we should look around in this area for the Princess.

Rubble: We've already searched this area five times.

Marshall: You're not gonna find anything.

Matthew:Found something!

Sweetie:At least someone on your team is useful.

Rocky: Whatcha fine Matthew?

Matthew: Footprints.

Sweetie:I couldn't even see those.

Marshall:(Giggles) I guess our little buddy sees better than us.

Matthew:They don't go for very long.

Rocky: Let's get Chase in here, he can follow the scent.

Rocky then contacted Chase.

Rocky:Chase, we found some footprints, but they don't go for very long.

Chase: I'm coming, is Matthew alright?

Rocky: He's ok, he's the one who actually found the footprints.

Chase:(Over puptag) I'll be there shortly.

Chase then hung up.

Sweetie:Where do you think they go?

Rocky:Not sure.

Marshall:Um... we have a slight problem.

Rocky:What is it?

Rubble: Matthew's gone!


Rocky: Matthew!

Marshall:Matt, where are you?!

???:Over here.

The pups looked over and saw Matthew standing right next to Chase.

Chase:(Laughs) And you say I worry too much.

Marshall: Don't scare us like that.

Rocky:Ok, Chase, do your thing.

Chase started sniffing the area.

Chase:I have a scent, let's go.

The team followed Chase into a hallway, until the trail ended.

Chase:It stops here.

Matthew:At the wall, just great.

Sweetie:Not just any wall.

Matthew:What do you mean?

Sweetie then activated a secret pressure plate that opened up a secret passage.


Rocky:Stay close Matthew.

Marshall:In fact...

Marshall then gently bit the back of Matthew's shirt, then slowly lifted him off the ground.

Marshall:Stay still, Chase.

Marshall then gently placed Matthew on Chase's back.

Chase:Hold on tight just in case.

The pups slowly walked into the passageway. There was nothing but a long dark path.

Sweetie:I can't see anything.

Chase: Matthew, are you still there?


After a while, the pups made it out, and now had entered some strange dungeon.

Rubble:I don't like this.

Rocky:We should keep going.

Chase started sniffing the ground.

Chase:I got the scent back.

Matthew: Let's keep going.

After another long walk, we reached a cell with the Princess inside it.

Pups: Princess!

Princess:Oh Paw Patrol, I'm so glad to see you.

Chase:Who put you in here?

Princess:I don't know, I never saw the face of my captor.

Sweetie: Let's quickly bust her out.

Marshall:But how?

Matthew turned around.

Matthew:Um... guys?

Chase:What is it?

The pups saw some strange dark creatures appear.

Sweetie:Those are the things from before.

Suddenly one of the creatures attacked Chase, causing Matthew to fall onto the ground.


The dark creatures vanished then reappeared surrounding Matthew.

Chase: MATTHEW!!!

Matthew:(What do I do?)

???:Use the Keyblade!


Matthew then saw his key-shaped sword appear.

Sweetie:Why a minute, that weapon, it can't be...

Princess:(Is it really him?)

After a while, Matthew managed to defeat the dark creatures.

Matthew:That went well.

Chase walked over to Matthew.

Chase:Are you hurt?

Matthew:No, I'm fine.

Marshall:That was incredible.

???:Use your keyblade to free the Princess.

Matthew then aimed his key-shaped sword at the cell lock. A beam of light shot out then the cell door opened.

Princess:Thank you so much.

Sweetie:That weapon, Isn't that a keyblade?

Matthew:You know what it is?

Sweetie:I thought all the keyblade wielders were history, but if you're alive, that means...

Princess: You're the warrior from long ago.

All: Warrior?

Matthew:What are you talking about?

Sweetie:(He's forgotten who he is.)

Chase:We can talk about this later, we should get going.

Matthew:Chase is right, let's go.

Matthew then quickly climbed onto Chase's back, as they began to run off.

A Paw Patrol Story 2: Mission PawWhere stories live. Discover now