Chapter 5

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After a while, the pups, Matthew, and the Princess reached the throne room.

Chase:*Arf* Ryder, come in.

Ryder:(Over puptag) I hear you Chase.

Chase:We found the Princess, we are in the throne room right now.

Ryder:(Over puptag) Good work, we are on our way.

Ryder then hung up.

Sweetie:What now?

Marshall:We wait.

Chase looked behind him, realizing that Matthew was gone.


The pups began to worry.

Marshall: Matthew!

Rocky: Buddy, you hear us?

Rubble:We have to find him!

Sweetie:He could be anywhere in this Castle.

Princess:How could someone so tiny just disappear?

Chase:Well he is tiny, so it isn't that hard to lose track of him.

Rocky attempted to contact Matthew.

Rocky: Matthew, come in.

Matthew:(Over puptag) I hear ya.

Rocky:(Sighs in relief) Thank goodness, where are you, you had us worried.

Matthew:(Over puptag) Sorry, I'm outside, I found something rather strange.

Chase:Like what?

Matthew:(Over puptag) Come out and you'll see.

Matthew then hung up.

Chase:I will go get him, Marshall, Rocky, and Rubble, guard the Princess.

Chase then ran outside. Chase walked around the mission cruiser, where he found Matthew.

Chase:Is everything alright, buddy?

Matthew pulled out the Shekia Slate.


Chase saw that the area they were, was similar to the picture in Matthew's tablet.

Chase:What does it mean?

Matthew: I'm not even...

Chase took notice of Matthew's sudden pause.


Matthew suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, falling to the ground.

Chase: MATTHEW!!!

Chase carefully rolled Matthew onto his back. Chase then saw that Matthew's tablet was lighting up.


Chase got a closer look.

Chase:(Gasps) This is something from his past, he's remembered something.

Chase looked at Matthew, who had just passed out.

Chase:You finally remembered something, don't worry I'll carry you.

Chase then carefully lifted Matthew off the ground, taking him into the mission cruiser. Chase then placed Matthew on a seat.

Chase:Stay safe, I'll be back.

Chase then ran back into the castle. The German Shepherd was instantly approached by Ryder.

Ryder: Where's Matthew?

A Paw Patrol Story 2: Mission PawWhere stories live. Discover now