.Chapter 2 .

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Whales are believed to be very intelligent , and they have the ability to feel a variety of emotions that are similar to those of humans. Many species use various sounds and songs to communicate . But because of polythene and human activity they are rare to see..

 But because of polythene and human activity they are rare to see

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Lot of countries kill whales unlimited . If they kill whales unlimited they will disappear from the earth in future ..

A Whale of a Early this year, a court put an end to Japan's whale hunts in the waters off Antarctica . Japan will present a plan that would allow it to resume whaling in the area. Staff For whales in the waters off Antarctica, 2014 got off to a promising start .

In March, the International Court of Justice ordered Japan to stop whaling, or hunting whales, for scientific purposes in the Southern Ocean. The ICJ is the United Nations' highest court. It ruled that there was no scientific reason for Japan's whale hunts. But the ban was only temporary. In September, Japan announced that it planned to start whaling in the region again. This month, Japan will submit a proposal to the International Whaling Commission explaining why hunts are necessary for research. Japanese officials say they need to determine whale populations, ages, growth rates, and the amount of food whales eat. Since 2005, Japan has killed around 3,600 minke whales in Antarctic waters.

According to conservationists, Japan uses science as an excuse to kill whales. Much of the whale meat from the hunts ends up in Japanese restaurants and markets. Japan wants to show that whale populations have recovered, Leigh Henry of the World Wildlife Fund told TFK. They want to prove that commercial whaling can resume. Whale Watch In the early 20th century, people hunted whales in large numbers . whales were killed each year for their meat and oil.

Forty years later, the IWC banned commercial whaling. and the United States-oppose whaling. But there are loopholes to the ban. It does not include whaling for scientific reasons. And the U.S.A and Greenland allow native people to hunt whales under strict guidelines .

However , they also need to live .. if they want to kill whale . It will do nature by nature balance ..

They will get rules but people will kill them by telling different reasons ..

I read lot of letters and books about whales .. their lives are rare lifes ..

I think their life is crucial life in the earth ..

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