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Jun-ho. Jun-ho. Jun-ho.

Where is he?

After that whole event at the police station, it had been a day after that Y/N noticed Jun-ho's odd quietness.

He would always send her messages, which Y/N found adorable. He'd remind her to eat properly and not to overwork herself, since she'd always end up doing so. Though the constant buzzing of her phone would become quite distracting, Y/N had become accustomed to it and would always find her annoyance melting whenever she saw his messages.

Which leads to Y/N worrying over not receiving a single text from him today. She even stayed up for hours, pacing back and forth in her room. It was late, twilight sky littered with stars and misty fog.

She had contemplated calling him, but was too scared of the possibility that he was actually fine and was just relaxing back home and her worrying was just her being paranoid.

But if that was the case, he'd have sent her a text by now.

But who was she to him that she's expecting him to check up on her? It's not like she was anyone special to him.

No, that's impossible.

Groaning, Y/N finally snaps out of her thoughts and stands up from her couch. At that moment, idea popped up in her head.

It wouldn't hurt to go check, right?


"So you're saying that you haven't heard from him since yesterday?" Y/N questions Sang-hyeok, the police officer from behind the desk, with furrowed brows.

Said police officer sighs softly. "Yes, I said that twice, Miss Y/N."

Though Y/N's sudden arrival in the middle of the night slightly frightened the police officer, she appreciated the patience he had mustered to bear with her overly worried state.

Nibbling on her lip frustratedly, Y/N wracked her thoughts to find some sort of clue as to where he could possibly be. She was already worried enough, but that fact that even his own colleagues haven't heard of him just made her feel like losing her mind.

Then, another idea popped up in her head. She remembered Jun-ho eyeing a certain object Gi-hun gave to Sang-hyeok...

"Hey, Sang-hyeok. Where's that card that crazy guy gave you yesterday?" Y/N asks, tired eyes looking back up at the older male.

Sang-hyeok jerks an eyebrow at the girl's sudden inquiry. He hums, recalling. "I think it's right here somewhere."

He pulls open a drawer from beside him, sifting through before he finally perks back up and places the item in front of the girl. The three shapes stare back up at Y/N.

"What are you planning on doing with it?" Sang-hyeok asks this time.

Y/N quiets for a few moments. Assuming how much Jun-ho stared at the object with such curiosity, he'd have tried calling the number on it too, right?

So if she did the same, maybe she'll find out where he is...

"Can I borrow it?"


"Ah fuck, it's freezing."

Y/N huffs out annoyedly, hands shoved all the way down her pockets, breath mingling with the ice cold air.

The conversation she had over the phone call after dialing the number was short-lived as the man on the other line only asked her who was calling and if she wanted to participate in some games. He asked her for personal information after, such as her name and birthdate, which was a suspicious thing to ask about, but she gave them anyway. She didn't even know why she was so willing to do anything just for Jun-ho, but here we are.

She's stood somewhere by the empty streets of the city, soft wind blowing against her shivering frame. Sudden bright lights spill onto the concrete ahead of her, and she turns to see a vehicle approaching her way.

The vehicle, more specifically a grey van, pulls up in front of her, a window rolling down as it came to a halt.

Sitting behind the wheel was a person in a... full bright red body suit of some sort with a large black mask over their face. This strange sight earns a confused brow from Y/N.

...Jun-ho's into this stuff?

Her thoughts are broken when the person turns to her still figure, one of their hands settled comfortably on the wheel.

"Kang Y/N?" Their unexpectedly deep voice rumbles, which makes shivers run up Y/N's spine.

She nods.

"What's the password?" They ask.

"I believe it was Red Light, Green Light." Y/N says.

The person turns away wordlessly, and the sound of the car door in front of her unlocking follows.

She approaches the vehicle silently, cautiously peeking in first before finally settling on the seat. It's only her and the person in the vehicle, but she made sure her guard stayed up in case something happened.

As soon as the door had slammed shut, the person behind the wheel quickly revs the vehicle to life.

Y/N fiddles with her fingers nervously, eyeing the person's movements before a sudden hissing catches her attention. Her surroundings started being filled up with a gas of some sort, but before she could even panic and open the door, the person behind the wheel had suddenly held her down by her legs, pinning her down the seat.

Now unable to move and weaker than before, Y/N's vision starts to darken, and her eyes lazily roll to the back of her head as the masked person stares back at her silently.


——— AUTHOR'S NOTE: heheh yeah


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2022 ⏰

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