Regular (Edited)

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(Ga Eul's pov)

Ah, I sigh and sit up on my bed as my maids bring in hot noodles. "Miss, after school your dress that you ordered will arrive."

I just nod and eat. Inside of the car, I replay the scene in my head at last night. I wonder how today will turn out, normal or awkward between me and Baekhyun.... Everything is normal when I arrive at school. I take off my jacket and shove it in my locker. "Hey, how are you feeling?"

I turn to see Baekhyun leaning against a locker next to me. "What're you doing?" I ask.

He raises his eyebrows, "Huh? I'm just checking up on my little friend."

I scoff amd slam my locker door, "Little? And who says we're friends?" I see him have a bit of hurt in his eyes

"Well, I thought ever since we started to talk..... Maybe.. Ugh, never mind." He walks away

"Wait" I grab his backpack "Fine, i'll consider us friends. Sorry."

His eyes brighten, "Really?! Wow! Yay! Let's go to class Ga Eul!" He grins

"Hey, what hapened to the gangster you?" I raise my brows

He shrugs, "What? I can't have a happy side? A playful side?" He gives me a handsome grin

Everybody looks at us when we enter the class. "Hyungs! This is our new friend Ga Eul!" I just facepalm myself.

At lunch I sit with his gang which equals wierd stares from everybody. "Hey, Ga Eul you going to this opening party tonight?" Sehun asks me

I shake my head, " I can't, i'm going to another one that my mom is hosting at my house."

"You live by yourself?" Suho says

"Kinda.. I have my maids with me... The reason why is that my mom isn't really close to me. I used to live with my dad but he's in the hospital battlling cancer."

"Oh, sorry to hear that.." Chanyeol comments

I just smile "It's fine."

The day goes by really fast and school ends already. I had to walk home today since I needed to get my shoes. When I turn the corner, I see some people beating up some other people. I realize that it's Baekhyun and his gang. "Baekhyun stop!" I run over to him and pull him off from punching the living soul out of tyhe guy.

"What the hell Ga Eul?! You have nothing to do with this!" He yells and starts to punch again. I try to pull him off again but he shoves me, leaving as scratch on my cheek. A little blood trails out. He looks at me like he killed someone by accident. "Oh my god, i'm so sorry Ga Eul. I'm so sor-" I whack his hand away "Wow Baekhyun you really don't know when to stop." And I run home. When my maids see it, they all gasp. I roll my eyes and put concealer on to cover it up. I change into my dress that was black and white with a sillouette of flower, and put on my black 3 inch heels, my feet are really gonna hurt later...

My mom arrives, giving me an extremely awkward hug. "How's my daughter doing?" I shiver when she calls mne that. I have a name, use it. "Fine." I mutter and walk off somewhere.

Within 15 mins, guests from everywhere show up.

"Ga Eul?"

I turn around to see Byun Baekhyun.

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