Playlist Live

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You laugh to yourself, thinking about Dan and Phil. A few minutes later you decide to take a shower before dinner, turning the water onto the perfect temperature and hopping in. You start singing your favorite song, washing your hair then your body. After your shower, you get dressed and head out to find dinner. When you open your door, you run into Dan and Phil, who're also heading out for dinner. Dan laughs, "Jeez, honestly it's like we're supposed to be friends, always running into each other." Phil nods, giggling a bit, before asking, "Oh hey, do you wanna come to dinner with us?" "I'd love to! If it's okay with Dan too." "Of course it's okay with me." He smiles, and you three find a restaurant to eat at.

When dinner's over the three of you come back to the hotel. You thank them then say goodbye, going back into your room. You stay on tumblr for a while before deciding to go to bed, having to get up early tomorrow morning for playlist live.

Beep, beep, beep! Your alarm goes off and you groan, dragging yourself out of bed and to the bathroom. You brush your hair and put it into a messy bun to keep it out of your face (If you have shorter hair just ignore that). You brush your teeth and get dressed, taking your hair out of the bun you proceed to lightly curl it, so it's nice and wavy. You grab your phone and some other necessities for playlist before going to get some breakfast.

You arrive at playlist and walk around, eventually getting into the line to meet Dan and Phil.
You're up next, and you aren't nervous at all, having met them before. "(Y/N)!" Dan opens his arms and you calmly run to him, hugging him tightly before giving Phil a hug too. You take a few pictures then tell them bye, heading off to wander around some more.
A/N I've never been to playlist live so I don't know how it works exactly so I probably got some things wrong? Sorry haha

Dan Howell x Reader Imagines/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now