Harry Potter AU

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Quick A/N! First, StarIlluminatiCipher, I want to apologise for this taking so long, I'm very sorry and thank you so much for waiting patiently <3. Second,  Phil is reader's brother, you and Phil are siblings in this. Third, this takes place during the goblet of fire, reader is 'Harry' (there's no Voldemort and no death in this oneshot) and Dan is 'Cedric', so actual Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory don't exist. Sorry if any of that is confusing? Also, lastly, I put some phan in there because I'm trash. And it's about 3.2k long.
Warning! Alcohol use that's also kinda underaged.

"(Y/n) Lester." Dumbledore reads quietly. Everybody is shocked, silence eerily filling the grand room. "(Y/n) Lester!" He calls out, louder than before. Ron and Hermione push you to your feet and you stumble as you make your way to the room the champions are supposed to gather in. As you pass by Dumbledore his eyes bore into you, making your stomach churn. Fleur, Viktor, and Dan all stare at you in confusion as you step into the room, and not long after Dumbledore along with a few others stride into the room. "(Y/n), did you put your name in the goblet of fire?" Dumbledore asks calmly. "N-no, sir." You stutter, your voice weak. "Did you ask anybody to put it in for you?" He follows up, and you shake your head no.
* * *
You're wandering around outside trying to find Dan to tell him about the dragons, and you quickly spot him with Phil and a couple of their friends, who you recognise as Chris and PJ, sitting on a bench. "Dan, can I talk to you real quick?" You request after having walked up to them, your hands clasped behind your back. "Yea." He responds and follows you away from the others, behind some bushes. "Dragons." You say. Dan shoots you a quizzical look before you bluntly explain further, "That's the first challenge." "Are you sure?" Dan questions. "I'm positive." "Fleur and Krum know about this?" You nod in response to his question. "Thanks for letting me know." The corners of his lips turn up into a small, friendly smile. "Yea, of course, no problem." You return the smile before walking away, letting him get back to Phil, Chris, and PJ.

When the time comes for the first task to take place, 'nervous' is an understatement of what you're feeling. You, along with Fleur, Viktor, and Dan, are all gathered in a small tent on top of a hill by the arena that the task will take place in. You're standing off to the side when you hear someone whisper your name, "Phil?" You whisper back. "Please, (y/n), please be careful." He tells you, and it's obvious how worried about you he is. "I will, I'll be okay, don't worry." You try to assure him, and as soon as those words leave your lips he's emerged through the tent flaps and he's throwing his arms around you, hugging you tightly. You hear the click of a camera and you and Phil mutually pull away to see why. "This'll make a lovely cover story," Rita Skeeter coos, walking up to Phil and getting her quill and parchment ready, "Tell me dear, how do you feel about the situation your sister is in?" She inquires. "Um-" Phil starts, but before he can fully reply, though it's not like he wants to, Viktor cuts in and gets Rita to go away, fortunately. "I should go now. Good luck, I love you." "Thanks, I love you too." You hug quickly and then Phil ducks back under the flaps of the tent, heading back down to the stands.

All too soon for your liking, you're the last one in the tent and it's almost your turn. You can barely sit still, pacing the tent and picking at your fingernails anxiously. It feels like you're in a dream, a nightmare to be more exact, when you're entering the arena. The stands are full with people, watching you intently, as you climb up onto one of the large rocks. Immediately the dragon goes berserk, flapping it's wings and letting out a mad screech, making you scamper off away from it. After a couple minutes of running away, you dive behind a fat boulder just as the Hungarian horntail spits out some fire, warming the boulder slightly. Panicking a tiny bit you whip out your wand and yell, "Accio firebolt!" Shaking slightly as you wait for your broom to arrive. When you see it appear you jump onto it and kick off into the sky, the dragon letting out another angered noise of disapproval as it breaks away from the tether that was keeping it in the arena. "Shit.." You mumble, flying off towards the castle with the horntail hot on your trail.

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