Honeymoon Time

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You let out a little squeal as you board the plane, leaning into Dan and smiling up at him. You're going to Paris for your honeymoon! Once you're seated you turn to Dan and give him a kiss, both of you giggling when you pull away.

~Woo time skip~

"This hotel is gorgeous..." You breathe out, dropping your suitcase onto the floor of the hotel room. "Bed check?" Dan suggests, and when you nod he grabs your hand and you both run and jump onto the bed, laughing as you bounce up a little before landing on the soft surface. "I love you." Dan pecks your lips and stares into your glittering (e/c) eyes. "I love you too." You scoot closer to him and the both of you just lay there together for a couple minutes.
"How about dinner?" You ask, sitting up and crossing your legs. "Room service?" Dan looks at you for approval. "Hell yeah." You pick up the phone and order some food while Dan flips through the tv channels.

~Another time skip~

You pretty much spend the night watching tv and cuddling, going to bed semi early so you can get up tomorrow and explore.

~Le next morning~

As you slip back into consciousness from sleeping you feel an absence of warmth next to you. You sit up and Dan isn't next to you, but you smell a heavenly scent coming from the kitchen and assume Dan's cooking breakfast. You grab your phone and check all your apps and social medias, right when you turn it off you're greeted by Dan's lovely voice. "Morning, sleeping beauty." You look up to see him carrying a tray with two plates of pancakes on it and two mugs of coffee. Further inspection leads you to see the pancakes are shaped into hearts, "You're such a dork, Daniel." You kiss his cheek when he slips back into bed with you, shoving a bite of pancake into your mouth and giving him a thumbs up. "So do you like them?" His eyes are all sparkly and it's obvious how much he loves you. "Delia Smith would like these pancakes. They're amazing, you're the best." You smile up at him before taking another forkful, but this time you direct it to Dan's mouth. He chews and swallows before making a 'thinking face', keeping that position for a few seconds he returns to normal and says, "I am a pretty good cook aren't I?" Making the two of you laugh.

~bee boo bop time skippity~

You spend most of the day at a museum and now you're out to a fancy restaurant for dinner. Dan opens the door and bows, "Mrs. Howell." You giggle and walk in, Dan following right after.

You flop down face first onto the bed when the two of you get back, but get up when you hear music start to play. You laugh at the sight of Dan swaying back and forth to 'thinking out loud' by Ed Sheeran. "Come dance with me!" He grabs your hand and spins you around, both of you giggling.

~Le last full day in Paris~

On the second day you went shopping, and the third and fourth (just make up something), and now it's the fifth and final full day in Paris. You're leaving tomorrow morning, excited for what Dan's planned for tonight. He hasn't told you anything yet, so you're just a tad nervous.
You wake up to another breakfast expertly cooked by Dan, and it smells delicious. It fills the whole hotel room with the scent of food, and of course that makes you happy.

~Time skip~

"Oh god, Dan..." You're breathless. He blindfolded you so you wouldn't know where you were going, and now that you were allowed to take it off you can see that you're on the eiffel tower. The sun is setting and it looks absolutely gorgeous, "But that's not all~" Dan sings out, leading you to a table and pulling out a chair for you then pushing you back in when you sit. "Je t'aime, (y/n)." He smiles at you and you swear that every time you see that smile you fall in love all over again. "Je t'aime trop, Daniel." You reply as he gives your cheek a kiss.


When you get back to the hotel, you're shocked at what you see. There's a rose petal trail to the bed, the lights are dimmed, and there's little candles all around the place. You're assuming Dan got someone to do this when you were out having dinner on the eiffel tower. "Dan...?" "Well, it's our last night. I was thinking..." His sentence doesn't need finishing, you know exactly what's going to happen. You catch a glimpse of his smirk as he pushes you against the wall, kissing both your cheeks before planting a kiss right on your lips. That turns to making out, which turns to being naked on the bed.

>use your imagination to insert really hot smut here<

You both fall back on the bed, mouths open and panting slightly. "I love you..." You hear him say before feeling the familiar sensation of his lips against yours. "I love you too." You kiss his nose and snuggle closer to him, and you fall asleep in each other's arms.

~1 month later...~

You're standing in front of Dan, who's on his laptop and sitting on the sofa, and you're holding up an object in one hand and pointing to it with the other.

"I'm pregnant."

I hope that's good enough ahaha c:

Dan Howell x Reader Imagines/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now