Horror Games

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A while ago you got a slender game, but never had the chance to play it until now. Your favorite headphones are on, the lights are off, sound turned up a good amount, you're fully immersed and ready to play. Because horror games make you scream, you've alerted Dan and Phil about it so they know you aren't dying.
You suck in a deep breath before clicking the mouse button down, starting up the game. You bite your lip in concentration, holding down the W key to move foreword. You silently cheer as you get a page, quickly resuming walking. You've never played or watched anyone play slender before, so when the static pops up you scream and make the character run away. You pause the game and take a moment to prepare yourself, giving yourself a quick pep talk. You resume the game and find another page, smirking slightly. That smirk is soon wiped off your face when Dan grabs you from behind, shaking you, making you shriek loudly and fall out of the chair. "DANIEL FUCKING HOWELL!" You yell, storming out of the room and to the lounge where Phil is watching anime. You huff and plop down on the couch, crossing your arms. "You okay?" Phil asks, pausing the tv. When Dan walks in laughing, you point to him. "He's being a twat." "Well, Dan's always a twat." Phil says. "I'm sorry, (y/n)!" Dan is sitting in front of you now, trying to get you to look at him. "You would've done the same, and you know it." You crack the faintest smile, still not giving your boyfriend any attention. "Please love, I'm so sorry. Forgive me? Please?" He's practically begging now, trying to grab your hands that are still folded against your chest. He starts kissing all over your face, making Phil leave the room. "Ew, Dan, stop!" You push him off and laugh, cupping his cheeks and planting a kiss onto his slightly chapped lips. "Yea I totally would've done the same though." You confess, making Dan laugh. "Are you done making love?" Phil shouts from the kitchen. "Oh shut up!" You and Dan reply, giggling. You lay down, placing your head in Dan's lap, just staring into his chocolate brown eyes for a while.

A/N I've never thought about the fact that maybe some of you that read this could be male? If you want a few Dan x male reader chapters just let me know

Dan Howell x Reader Imagines/One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now