Chapter 6

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The next day, Arnold Patrick was approaching his office when he found a tall Caucasian woman waiting outside. Sergeant Amanda Vaughn was a redhead in her mid-30s with short hair, brown eyes, and the ability to manipulate Copper.

"Good morning, Captain." She greeted him.

"Good morning, Sergeant." He said as he unlocked his office door. "What can I do for you?"

"The last two transfers are here." Amanda explained.

"Where specifically?"

"In the briefing room with Fred and Vera, waiting for their first and second in command."

"Great. It'll be nice to have a full team."

Suddenly remembering something, Amanda perked up. "I don't know if you've heard, but Jackal and Bobcat escaped from prison last night."

"I heard two powered criminals escaped, but I didn't know who."

"Yeah, one of them managed to fuck with their power suppressor enough to transform, slip out, and free the other. Three guards are in the hospital, but they're all expected to make full recoveries."

"Thanks for the update." Arnold said as they arrived at the door to the briefing room.

The room contained five rows of four chairs. Arnold and Amanda walked in to find two men and two women sitting on the right side in the first and second rows.

Vera Derrickson was sitting in the second row next to the wall. A fairly tall biracial woman in her early 30s, she had light brown skin, green eyes, and short auburn hair. Sitting in front of her was Fred Belmont, a Caucasian man in his late 20s with brown eyes and short blond hair.

Sitting to Vera's left was Illyana Gonzalez - a woman in her mid-30s with tannish-brown skin, hazel eyes, and long black hair tied up in a ponytail. In front of her and to Fred's left was Marvin Peters - a bald black man with blue eyes who was in his late 20s.

"You must be Illyana and Marvin." Arnold said. "Nice to see you've met the rest of the team."

"Glad to be here." Illyana said with an accent that reflected her mixed heritage - Russian and Mexican.

Marvin shrugged. "It'll be nice to not be the only powered officer in the squad for once."

Arnold stepped forward. "Just so we're all on the same page, can you introduce yourselves and tell the rest of the squad what powers you have?"

"Or you can just show us, assuming it's something you can demonstrate safely." Amanda added.

Marvin started to stand up, then changed his mind and sat back down. "I'm Marvin Peters. I have X-Ray Vision. Since someone's probably wondering, yes, I have used it to see people naked. I'm sad to say that I was kind of a pervert in middle school. Thankfully, I grew out of it, and now I don't look through clothes without explicit consent."

Vera raised her hand. "Are there any materials you can't see through, like lead?"

He chuckled. "No, it's not like Superman's vision. The only real limit is that denser materials take longer to see through. Depending on the thickness, something like aluminium or titanium only takes a couple seconds, but something dense like gold or platinum could take up to a minute."

Amanda smiled. "Well, that'll definitely come in handy with recon."

Illyana stood up and moved to stand between the rows of chairs. "I'm Illyana Gonzalez." She suddenly manifested a duplicate of herself that moved to stand next to her. "I am also Illyana Gonzalez." The duplicate said.

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