Chapter 2

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Lea woke up on her side next to Camila, who was already awake. Lea moved her brown hair out of her face, and her blue eyes met Camila's indigo ones.

"Hey." Lea said softly, running a hand through Camila's black hair.

"Hey." Camila gave her a quick peck on the lips. "Fancy meeting you here."

Lea snickered. "We keep running into each other like this."

"Funny how it keeps happening."

"This is how rumors get started."

They laughed.

"Oh, I thought of a name for you." Camila said, propping herself up on her arm.



Lea smacked her forehead lightly. "You'd think I would've thought of that in the last six years."

"You're welcome."

Lea checked her phone and saw that it was 9:45. "I think it's your turn to make breakfast."

"Good, because you need to shower." Camila sat up, found her bra, and put it on. "I can smell your sweat from last night.

23 minutes later Lea stepped out of the shower, dried off, and got dressed. She emerged from the bathroom and was greeted by the smell of bacon. She followed the smell to the kitchen, where she found Camila standing at the stove wearing her custom-made apron that read "Kiss the chef" and had an arrow pointing down.

"That smells delicious." Lea walked up behind Camila as she moved a piece from the pan to a plate next to the stove that had several more pieces on it.

"The pieces closest to you should be ready to eat." Camila said.

Lea picked up the closest piece and took a bite. "Mmm..." She sighed, savoring it for a moment. "Good girl."

Camila froze, and a shiver ran down her spine as she stopped breathing.

Lea smiled. Camila was generally the dominant partner in their relationship, but Lea had discovered early on that Camila also had a praise kink.

Camila finally let out the breath she'd been holding as she moved the last piece of bacon to the plate. "G-glad you like it." She said, quivering slightly as she turned the stove off.

Lea wrapped her arms around Camila's waist and nuzzled her neck. "You were such a good girl last night." She whispered, revelling in the whimper that escaped her partner's mouth.

"I was?" Camila asked quietly.

"Mhm." Lea kissed her cheek. "You sold that chase and that fight. You choked me just right the whole time - not too tight, not too loose."

"I did my best."

"Yes you did, and I think you deserve a reward for being such a good girl." Lea whispered, emphasizing the last two words.

With that, Camila was putty in Lea's hands. "I...I do?"

Lea nodded. "I'm finally going to follow the instructions on your apron."

Camila let out a sound Lea had never heard before, exciting them both.

After Lea finished "rewarding" Camila, they settled down for breakfast. They had just started cleaning up when Lea's phone vibrated. Pulling it out, she saw a text from Erin Willis in the Hazard Squad group chat that said "Mission failed, all hands to base ASAP."

"Shit!" She exclaimed.

Camila looked at her. "What's wrong?"

"Team emergency." Lea put her plate in the sink and kissed Camila's cheek. "I gotta go." She dashed into the bathroom, having forgotten to brush her teeth when she had showered. She made sure she had everything she'd brought with her, then headed for the door.

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