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Rewriting this book because it's yeah. You'll probably be able to tell which ones I've updated lmao. It's all going to be in third person now as well, just as a heads up. P.s. If I have rewritten a chapter there will be a star (*) in the title, like this one.

Yet to be checked for errors. Feel free to point them out for me.
Merlin moved through the forest towards Camelot, occasionally stopping to admire the life around him. The wood was almost untouched by human hands, densely packed bushes and piles of floral matter inhabiting it all over. He'd always enjoyed nature, having grown up beside it all his life. As a child, Merlin would often find himself within the forest, climbing trees and practicing what magic he held at that age. Even as a 21 year old now, the man still went into the trees to clear his mind and de-stress from his life and the struggles of hiding a part of himself away.

The thick layer of leaves, coating the forest floor, curved beneath his feet as he travelled through. The trees high above swayed with the rhythm of life and a soft wind curled between the large trunks surrounding the raven. He could hear the bird song high above, a sense of community clouding his mind as the birds appeared to talk to one another through a delicate array of sounds and melodies.

The man soon blundered out of the forest, up onto the banks of a shingle lined lake. He sank down on the bed of pebbles, lying back and resting his head against his bag.

Not long now he thought. His mother had reminded him of this point on the trail, having briefed him just before he left Ealdor. Merlin had been to Camelot before, during the reign of Uther. Usually it'd be to visit his uncle, Gaius, and collect the rarer of resources his mother needed. He enjoyed it really, despite the complaining he'd do. It was something different simply, away from his small village where everybody knew everybody and you always had a pair of eyes watching you.

He wouldn't have thought it, but leaving his home had been a great weight off of his shoulders. The village had always been suspicious of Merlin, although their leader, Cenred, didn't express a hatred for magic, most of his people still didn't trust it. And although he'd been as careful as possible when expressing his talents, he still got looked down upon for it. So despite it being difficult, Merlin knew his departure was for the best.

After a little break, the man hurled himself up again, took a swig from his canteen and prepared to leave. He set off for a trail just up ahead, the destination hidden away by a hill.

Merlin reached the top of the hill in minutes and his energetic mood only spiked when he saw the mighty castle standing in the distance. The warlock stumbled down the other side of the hill rather hurriedly, the excitement of reaching his new home filling his heart.

As he travelled through another clump of trees, Merlin thought about what he was to do in Camelot. He'd been told by a group of druids that his destiny had been foretold for many years before he set food on the earth, it being to protect the King, Arthur. Merlin was unsure at first, not wanting to believe he was to take such a weight, but after a while he came to accept it and sought out the druids again to question them. He then found out that he was to guard Arthur and help lead him into a new and better world for his own and Arthurs people. Although he was wary about how it would play out, Merlin set off almost immediately, feeling as if he needed to make some progress after 21 years of knowing nothing.

He hadn't yet devised a plan on how to protect the king, or even get anywhere near him in the first place. Merlin also knew that the laws against magic users were extremely constricting and so he'd have to follow his destiny from the darkness of the shadows if he wanted to keep his head. It couldn't be that difficult though, right?

These thoughts swirled around his head as he continued on his treck towards the city of Camelot.

Word count: 729
Written on 23/11/21
Rewritten on 01/01/23
Feedback in appreciated <3

These should get longer, just a short introduction.

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