6: Confessing

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21st December, late that night.

•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

Jungkook was still looking at him waiting for him to continue with whatever it was with curiousity and full attention to him.

Jimin sighed as he continued further,

"Alright... Jungkook I love you... I had fallen for you since the first time I saw you but then I feel for you more as I got to know more about you... And now I guess that I found my first love and also may be the Love of my life.. "
He mumbles the last part only to himself looking down at the grass.

As jungkook heard jimin, he couldn't believe it. As the person he fall so hard for at the first sight shares the same feeling as him. He was so dying to say it back to him but the words weren't coming out of his lips so he just hugged him instead.

"I-... ji-... I..."
"...But isn't it too early, I mean we only met a few hours ago. We don't even know much about each other, how can you even like me so early?... love is way far away from it..."

Oh and now he was so annoyed at himself, as to what he wants to say was not coming out but what was not even necessary came out... like what??! Why is it hard to even say it back!?!

On the other hand, jimin was taken back and felt a bit heart broken by his words. He let go of the hug looking directly into his eyes and he calmly said,

"See JK... If you don't love me back, it's fine. If you wanr to take your time to think about it, it is also fine. But you just cannot disrespect or insult my feelings for you. What i genuinely felt for you I said... if you don't really feel anything for me, I won't say anything... it's absolutely fine with me but please do not say such things about my feelings for you..."

Hearing this, jungkook was left speechless. He so wanted to clarify that he was thinking it all wrong.. that he felt the same for me but no words came out.

Seeing jk not responding anything, jimin let's out a deep sigh, turning around as he started to walk away back inside leaving him alone. This got jungkook out of his trance and he run to him to stop him and he pulled his back closer to him.

Jimin was caught off guard to it, much more confused as to why he would do so. He looked at him, trying to figure out what he was trying to do...

Jungkook was trying to find words to say what he wanted to say but it was like it was stuck glued to his tongue.. they were just not coming out. He sighed trying to think of something..

"...can't we just walk for some time more?" He asked hopefully...

Jimin said nothing and just continued walking the path. Jungkook sighed once again, hurried to join back with him to walk side by side.

The both of them same on the bench that was there for somewhile until jimin noticed  Jk trying to say something...

"'Whatever you are trying to say... it is okay it your not able to say it... it happens..." jimin suggested quietly.

But jungkook was very frustrated and annoyed with himself at this point. The one thing that he knew for sure was it was now or never. If he didn't confess back to jimin now then he knew the won't ever get a chance again and it was more likely he would lose the chance to be with him forever. And he definitely wasn't planning to do it...

"No! I need to say it right now! But really got knows what it wrong with me! Why am I not able to put my words together!! It is so not me!! Ahh this is driving me crazy!!"
He shoute in frustration.

Jimin grew a bit concern seeing jk,
"...calm down. Just relax your mind first and take deep breaths... it will help you..."

Jungkook  did as jimin told and it really  helped him put himself together and back with much confidence in him. He knew he  would be able to say it now, he felt the confidence in him. So he took a deep breath, taking a hold of jimins hand in his own.

"I actually called you out of the theatre to tell you something but like i said it just couldn't come out of my mouth... but now I finally feel confident on saying this to you..."
He paused taking another deep breath as he continue,

Only hearing his name from jk was enough to surprise him. Jk is a really polite person and always prefers to call every male elder to him as Hyung. Even if you tell him its fine if he calls them by their name, he won't  do it untill he himself was willing to. Jimin knew all this very well. How? From the great taehyung ofcourse.
But the next words he said really really shocked me to heavens.

"...I love you too... ever since the very first I saw you"
were the words jk said looking straight into his eyes, deeply.

Jimin was actually very take back with it, he felt like he was not sure what he heard was correct or not,
"Wh-what did you say? Can you say it again? I guess I heard you wrong..."

"Jimin-shii! I love you too!! And you are not dreaming if you heare this because it is what I said before too!!"
Jk smiled brightly as he repeated it again, feeling very light and amazing within to say it out loud.

Jimin was still processing the words.. he just couldn't believe it.
"D-did you just say you love me too? I mean- how is that possible? Weren't you about to say no just before? I don't-"

He was cut off when he felt a pair a soft lips on his own. It was then the reality did hit him and he was brought back to his senses... finally understanding that everything happening with him is not a dream nit a reality that is as beautiful as a dream.

He then kissed him back happily without wasiting any more time. Both smiling into the kiss. Their first kiss was nothing but soft, sweet, slow but full of love and pleasure they felt for each other.

They just kept smiling, looking at each other after they pulled away from each other.

"Now do you believe?"

Jimin nodded shyly as he somehow felt very shy. He felt himself burning red and knew he was definitely gone red as tomato. So he quickly hugged JK to hids his face. Jungkook chuckles at his cute behaviour, hugging him back.

"Let's go back inside now.  Everyone might have noticed that we are not there... its not right to ge here, what if someone sees us?"
Jimin whipers after somewhile as they continue to hug each other.

"No, I don't wanna go anywhere.  I just wanna sit here, hugging you! And even if anyone sees us then what is the problem? We love each othet and if we want to spend sometime together then what is the problem?"

Jimin then let go of the hug as he stood up pulling Jk up with him ready to walk back in.

"Dummie..." jimin cuts himself off as he looked back and kook and saw him pouting. He giggles thinking how cute he looks, pecking the pout away.

"Let's go now, kookie..."

But ofcourse Jk didn't wanted to let go. He smiled as an idea crossed his mind and so he immediately back hugged jimin.

"If you wanna take me in then alright, you can drag me in while i am hug you as i don't plan to let go of you any sooner..."
Jk whispered pecking on his cheek.

Jimin just chuckles to it and let him be as he wanted until they reaches in. Anyways it would be a lie if he said that he didn't like him being this way... He actually loved him this way more and was enjoying it a lot.

•Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

To be continued...

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