The next day Jason woke up at 8 and was being cuddled by Georgie he sat up and rubbed his eyes and tried to get up but Georgie had his arms around his waist 'mmhmmmm....sleep...' he said lazily 'hey off Georgie don't you have work today..???' 'SHIT- I FORGOT' Georgie said sitting up immediately and grabbing Jason's wrist to look at his watch.. as soon as he realised he had 3 hours till he had to get to work...
'You ass.' He said laying back down on the bed covering his head with a pillow. 'Like you were gonna get up if I told you what time it was Georgie you'd sleep in till five minutes before your shift' he said getting undressed and heading for the bathroom 'your right but I hate getting up early.' He said finally getting up 20 mins later their both showered and ready.
Georgie walked down the stairs and saw Jason grabbing some pop tarts for the road 'we going already?' Georgie said confused 'yeah, I got a early shift at hot topic today' he said throwing Georgie a pop tart.
They both got In Jason's car and started driving
'The mall is far from your job want me to drop you home?' Jason said focused on the road 'yeah just try and make sure my mom doesn't see you haha' it was a running joke between them that Mary doesn't like Jason because of him 'dressin' like the devil and having metal in places metal shouldn't be' 'well I'm wearing a black T and jeans I don't think she can judge me for that' he said laughing ' plus that black football jacket with patches all over it' Georgie said and just looked at him and smiled.Everything about Jason made him smile his fluffy hair, his makeup and his snake bites.... He was just staring now 'Georgie..Georgie GEORGIE' he said waving a hand in his face 'huh.. oh Shit sorry' he said snapping back to reality. 'We're almost at your house' he chuckled
'Ok let me just..' he said grabbing his bag and jacket 'and one more thing' Georgie smiled 'what? Did you forget somethin'?' He said turning to Georgie as they stopped at a red light Georgie gave Jason a kiss 'that' 'Christ when did you get all sappy?' Jason said blushing. 'When you became my boyfriend' ' the light turned green.
'Speaking about you want to tell people?...' Jason said fidgeting but also trying to drive 'I mean I'm fine with it but I don't know if my mom will know how she is..' Georgie said looking at his shoes 'I agree if she was my mom I wouldn't tell her either.. but its your choice' he said 'what's my choice?' Georgie said sincerely 'Georgie I love ya' but your as dumb as a's your choice weather you want to tell your mom.'
'So you'd be ok if I told her...' Georgie said as he rolled down the window 'yeah I'd be fine with it, my gran already knows about me being gay'
He pulled up outside Georgie's house 'k' then bye' said Georgie 'bye...I love you' Georgie smiled 'I love you too' he got out and walked in his house still eating a pop tart.'Where did you get that! We have pop tarts?' Missy said about to run to the kitchen to get one 'no Jason gave me some before I left' he bragged before finishing it and giving missy the last one 'YESSS' she said holding it up and walking to the kitchen Georgie followed
'Hi Georgie.' Mary said not making eye contact 'hi mom...' Georgie could tell she was mad with him
'How was 'Jason' his grandma ok' she asked still not making eye contact 'yea it was nice..his memaw is good..' 'anything happen? Was The movie good'
'Yea...' it was like that all day and Georgie had enough and asked his mom and dad to come to the living room.... And memaw if this goes south she'll give him a few seconds to run' ok why have you been avoiding me all day and why are you mad at me?' He asked fed up 'I'm not mad' she said STILL not making eye contact.
'Mary you've been givin' him the stink eye all day. Just tell him' George said his hand on his head '....I know you were out with a girl last night, lied and said you were with Jason!' She said finally looking him in the eyes 'what? You seriously believe that?' Georgie said confused and mad 'YES. Why do you think I wouldn't I heard you on the phone with Veronica! Talking about a girl and going to see a movie with her!' She said standing up.
'I wasn't lying! AND IT ISNT A GIRL IT WAS JASON' he yelled 'Dont you use that tone with me mister! I am your mother and I know you wernt with Jason because...because there was a walkie talkie in your bag and I listened in! It sounded like someone was doing some heavy flirting and suggesting that you do the..Devils tango..' she said in a stern tone
'Oh my god how do you not understand.. HES MY BOYFRIEND. I LIKE GUYS THERE WAS NO GIRL THAT WAS JASON YOU HEARD AND WHY WAS THERE A WALKIE TALKIE!' He yelled but was quiet when he realised what he said 'Georgie...your sayin' you like boys? But you've never said anything.'
'I- be-because I was scared of what you'd say. Your super religious so I thought you would kick me out or something...' he said getting quieter looking at the ground 'oh Georgie...' she said hugging him and said ' I love you, your my son... but your grounded because you were gonna do the devils tango.' She said looking at him georgie laughed 'we didn't end up doing anything he was only joking!' He said still laughing.
'Well still. Grounded. Also I want him here tomorrow after school for dinner. I never properly met him.' She said smiling and left the room
Memaw finally spoke '.....George you owe me $20 he likes girls and boys I win' ' you evil bitch Connie' he said taking a swig of beer. ' did you guys bet on who I liked?' Georgie was so confused now 'yeah and I bet you only liked boys and all the girls were you trying to like them or something... anyway I owe your memaw $20 now'
Missy entered the living room to make her way through to the kitchen 'so he's allowed a boyfriend and I'm not? So unfair.'
The next day georgie went up to Jason at his locker (which he normally never talks to him during school bc it gets people talking 'why is a football player talking to the goth guy')
'hey I told my mom...and she didn't freak out my dad had a bet I was gay memaw got it right that I was bi and my mom wants you to come over after school for dinner.' He said very fast 'wow..that was a lot in a few seconds cool,cool and what time is dinner?' He said closing his locker
'8:00 try and not creep out my mom.' He chuckled
'Ah shouldn't have invited me then' they both walked to English together laughing needless to say rumours started to spread.Eventually in the locker room after practice one of the players asked Georgie what's with him and Jason?' George aka the coach was near them and listening. 'Oh Jason?...he's um my friend' he stuttered out 'why?' One of the other players asked 'because he's actually nice if you get to know him. 'Ok dude! Don't get defensive what is he your boyfriend or something?' Most the players laughed but George was standing in plain view now 'cut it out.' 'Yes coach' they all said 'but really why do you put up with the little creep i heard he's a fa-' 'you better shut your mouth before you finish that sentence.' Georgie said towering over the other boy
'Woah dude didn't think you'd defend the weirdo..guess he is your boyfriend..' he snickered
'Guess what!' Georgie said putting his shirt on and picking up his gym bag 'he is my boyfriend Asshole.' He left but could here his dad shout 'Get back to changing! You forgot that's my son you just made fun of. I can make you all run a mile' Georgie smiled as he leftTo be continued

The jock and the punk
FanfictionGeorgie jr starts getting feelings for Jason (original character) and acts on it but something Unexpected happens...