When Georgie got back his relationship with Mary didn't improve, she had broken his trust in her and ruined their relationship she kept trying fix it but kept breaking it and breaking it more. Since sheldon went to collage and missy's busy with baseball shes been focusing on Georgie trying to get closer to him again.
Until Georgie's 18th birthday (ik not cannonical) he made a promise to himself that if Mary did anything, anything at all he was leaving. Jason was 17 but his memaw was completely fine with him moving away she wanted him to have a life.
So the day comes it's a Sunday and his dad and mom are making him go to church even though he didn't want to because it's his birthday but also because he never goes. When they got to church they sat down like normal but Georgie noticed a gay pride flag with all the other flags of country's. Huh must have added that recently doesn't look as old as the others.
After the hymns were sung Paster Jeff started speaking 'good morning everyone, before we start I'd like to wish Georgie Cooper a very happy birthday! Great to be yourself these days hope your boyfriends doing well' Georgie sank into his seat and face palmed everyone was staring at him.
Mary slowly realised she did it again. She fucked up. She just outed him to the whole church. The rest of the speech was preaching about how homosexuality wasn't a sin and how the Bible was talking about pedophiles and not homosexuals Georgie wanted to curl up and cry when they got in the car he planned to call Jason and tell him that today was the day.
'I'm moving out' he said as he walked into the house 'don't blame you' George said having saw the whole fiasco 'you are not moving out Georgie! You are my child you staying right here!' She demanded
'Guess what I'm an adult now and I've been planning to move out for a while.' He had saved up enough money to rent a small apartment in Maine him and Jason decided on Maine because it was a nice state close to the water, forests hiking trails and rent there is cheap.Georgie started grabbing boxes and packing his stuff 'wait Georgie's moving?' Missy said confused 'no! No one is moving!' Mary shouted 'I am!' Georgie snapped back
Mary didn't know what to do so she did what she always did when she didn't know what to do go over to memawswhile they started drinking Georgie rang up Jason told him today was the day called the moving company and they came just as he was finished packing and told them to drive to Jason's address afterwards.
They had a condo picked out and payed for Georgie packed a small bag for the train ride. Georgie left his address in a note and gave it to his dad George knew how Mary was weighing on Georgie so he helped pack in the truck 'just remember to call ok?' George said putting a hand on Georgie's shoulder.'NOO! You cant move that far away!' Missy wined
'It's only a few states away I'm sure you'll be able to visit' he said looking at his dad
'I'm sure if we save up a bit.. we can go there for a bit a little vacation it does have a beach' he smiled 'it has a beach?!? We're definitely visiting' missy chuckledHe made his way over to Jason's house and packed his stuff up after the van was gone they got showered changed and went to the train station where missy and George were waiting to wave them bye.
He purchased two one way tickets to Maine there adventure started now. He was about to get on the train when he went to hug missy and George 'bye missy.' 'Bye' they were both watery eyed he looked up to see George crying 'good luck Georgie. Remember to call and send a postcard for missy.' he said wiping his eyes and and pulled him in for a hug.
It was the first time he ever saw his dad cry. 'Goodbye dad' he said quietly 'goodbye Georgie' both wiping their tears Georgie picked up his bag and headed on the train with Jason.
They got to their compartment it had beds since it was a two day travel they were both scared yet exited. When they arrived They got settled in there small apartment not to far from the sea you bet the first thing Georgie did was send missy a letter with a small sea shell a picture of him and Jason at the beach and a Maine postcard she showed them to everyone at show and tell that week
Mary regrets not being there when he moved out she doesn't even know his phone number she wishes she could restart and try again. But we all know that ain't gonna happen
Georgie and missy started writing letters since calling was a bit expensive, they both kept every letter. She put them in a small locked box under her bed so Mary couldn't get in and Georgie has a box he puts them she sends test she took sometimes the highest scores and most recent ones always go on his fridge.
Her favourite letter was a picture of all her best tests on Georgie's fridge with Georgie smiling the bottom of the Polaroid said 'proud of you!' She pinned it on her cork board and looks at it when she needs reassurance it always helps. Even from 2,000 miles away her brother is always their to support her.

The jock and the punk
FanfictionGeorgie jr starts getting feelings for Jason (original character) and acts on it but something Unexpected happens...