Chapter 42

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Y/N, with all her wounds now bandaged up, curled up on the couch in the living room. Felix had made her a hot chocolate to help her feel better after her traumatic experience, and Y/N had made it clear to everyone that she didn't want to talk about it. She sometimes could still feel the guards hands all over her, making her shudder and duck down more into the couch. The young woman pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping Hyunjin's jacket tighter around her. Oh, shit. She should probably give it back to him, huh? But, it was just so cosy. So comforting. Made her feel safe again.

Y/N heard a sigh, and glanced up to see Hyunjin walk into the room. "You haven't touched your hot chocolate. Felix worked hard on that." He muttered, nodding towards the now cold beverage on the coffee table. Y/N shrugged her shoulders, remaining quiet. It was just like weeks ago, when she had first joined the gang. Where she kept to herself, didn't really speak to anyone. "Listen, Y/N..." Hyunjin started, pausing as he took a seat beside her on the couch. He glanced over to her, meeting her eyes for a moment, before hesitating in what he was about to say. It almost looked as if he was scared to say something. Y/N waved her hand to urge him to continue, curious now as to what he was hesitating to tell her. "What you did...was stupid. But-"

Y/N should've known. She shouldn't have motioned for him to continue. "I know, okay?" She muttered, averting her gaze away from Hyunjin. "I know that I'm such a fucking idiot for not listening to you. I know that I shouldn't have gone sneaking away, in the hopes that it was genuine. I put myself in danger, and I made you guys suffer because of it. Minho could have died, and that's because of me. I know all this, Hyunjin. You don't need to tell me just how useless I am."

"But, we are all glad you are safe." Hyunjin finished, ignoring Y/N's outburst. He noticed the tears in her eyes, realising how guilty she felt for what she did. "We knew you were naive when we accepted you into the gang. Chan saw something in you that I didn't. He could tell you were strong. And, you still are. You've proven that. Yes, you fucked up, but we all fuck up at times. You're not going to do it again, are you? You didn't tell them anything about us, no matter what they did to you." He reached out, gently grabbing her chin to turn her head so he could meet her gaze. "We care about you, Y/N. You have no idea how worried I was, how we all were, when you sent that location to me and we went there to find you missing."

"You're just saying that because you don't want me to be upset. You're never this kind to me, Jinnie." Y/N muttered, not even noticing how Hyunjin's gaze had softened greatly as he looked into her eyes. Y/N felt her heart thumping slightly as Hyunjin shook his head slowly, speaking his next words.

"No, I'm not. I'm saying it because I mean it. I don't want to lose you, Y/N. I am only stern with you because I can't bear to see you get hurt. I care about you, so much more than you think..." Hyunjin trailed off as he slowly moved forwards, closer to Y/N. He kept his hand gently on her chin to keep her still, before allowing his hand to trail slowly to push his fingers through her hair, tucking her hair behind her ear, as he closed his eyes and his lips pressed softly against hers.

Y/N felt her eyes widen for a second. What the fuck just happened? It felt like Hyunjin's lips colliding with hers had taken both the longest time, but also happened so fast. Y/N wasn't even able to think about what had happened, but her body still reacted. Y/N's eyes closed, and the next thing she knew, she was kissing Hyunjin back. Wait, was this really okay? Was this actually true? Her heart warmed up from the kiss, confirming for herself that she did in fact have feelings for Hyunjin. But what about his feelings? He wouldn't go through all this to trick her, right? He wouldn't fake it to make her feel better, right? He was a seducer, like she was. So...pretending to be interested in someone was his job...

While Hyunjin and Y/N shared their first kiss, Seungmin, who was just around the edge of the doorframe, felt his heart shatter. He had come straight from checking on Lee Know to care for Y/N. To tell her that he had grown to like her, that he had feelings for her. But, it seemed like Hyunjin also had grown a soft spot for her. He had hidden it well, Seungmin had no idea about Hyunjin's crush on Y/N. But, he had somehow been beaten to telling her. Seungmin wouldn't hold it against Hyunjin, not at all. It wasn't like the male had done this on purpose, and Hyunjin probably wasn't even aware of Seungmin's feelings towards Y/N. This just meant that Seungmin would have to move on, get rid of any feelings he had. Sighing to himself, heartbroken and empty, Seungmin silently walked away from the pair. Allowing them to finish their kiss in private.

After what felt like a lifetime, despite only being a few moments, Hyunjin pulled out of the kiss. He didn't break his gaze from Y/N's eyes, waiting for her to say something. She kissed him back, so that had to be a good sign, right? He even held back his small chuckle, only allowing a small smile to appear on his face, from how red the girl had gone.

Y/N remained speechless, just for a few moments after Hyunjin pulled away. Gently nudging him and folding her arms, Y/N averted her gaze after feeling how red her face had gone, before speaking up. "That's not funny, Hyunjin. That can really play with someone's heart. Why are you kissing me? Acting like you have feelings for me?"

"Oh? You don't believe my feelings are real? You think I would kiss anyone, just for the sake of it?" Hyunjin sat up straight again, eyebrow raised as he spoke.

"You're a seducer, that's what you do. Seduce people. Well, thank you but...I don't want you to kiss me to make me feel better..."

"Y/N." Hyunjin watched as the girl slowly turned her gaze back to him, before finally letting out his light chuckle. "You think just because I'm a seducer, I can't have feelings for someone too? I didn't kiss you to make you feel better. I kissed you, because I wanted you to know that I truly mean it. I'm sorry I'm an asshole to you sometimes. But, that kiss was real, I truly meant it."

The explanation from Hyunjin just made Y/N feel worse, but also better. He truly had feelings for her. How could she have been so blind to have not seen it before? And she was going to choose the blue haired asshole over Hyunjin? Looking back at that now, Y/N felt ridiculous that it was even a choice. She didn't even know Jimin, and she was ready to ignore everything this gang had taught her just for a date. Well, she had ignored it all. But she wouldn't do it again.

"Now, do you promise me you won't be an idiot again? I can't see you like that again. Seeing you killed me inside. That's why I haven't asked for this back." Hyunjin pulled on the edge of his jacket, before wrapping it more around Y/N and pulling her into his arms. When Y/N nodded, promising that she wouldn't make the same mistake of going to the enemy gang, Hyunjin was relieved. He just wanted her to be safe, to keep her protected.

Hyunjin lay back on the couch, pulling Y/N down with him, so she was lying on him. "Good." he hummed, stroking his hand through her hair softly, a comforting motion he had wanted to do for a while. "Now you get some rest. You really need it. And, I promise, nobody will hurt you again." Hyunjin felt Y/N's body relax, and he knew that she had already fallen into a relaxed slumber. Safe in his arms. Away from danger. It wasn't long until Hyunjin, too, fell asleep. Both him and Y/N comfortably, and happily, sleeping in each other's arms on the couch.

Now that everyone was safe, away from the enemy base, nothing could possibly go wrong, right?

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