Is This Fate?

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Lauren started at the popcorn ceiling above her, bored out of her mind. Andy and their mom weren't back yet from trying to get supplies. After the whole incident with Sentinel Services and everyone figuring out exactly who they were and what they could do; the underground decided that it wasn't a good idea to let Andy and Lauren go anywhere together. Unfortunately, that meant one of them got stuck in a room by themselves for long periods of time.

Lauren understandably hated this. She hated being stuck in a room all by herself with only her thoughts to keep her company, hated being alone, hated being left behind, hated all of it. She wanted to be out helping people but she couldn't, not until the next time they were invited to help out which rarely happened.

It had been three months and she had left a total of two times. At least Andy got out of the stupid room. He hated being stuck there more than Lauren did.

Lauren sighed and rolled onto her stomach. She just had to wait until they got back, then at least she would have someone to talk to.

She looked at the music box sitting on the ground next to the cot she was laying on. She was going to get rid of it when they first ran and got out of D.C. but she just couldn't. No matter how much she tried to convince herself it was a good idea, that it would help, she just couldn't. She hadn't played in a while. Not since she showed it to Andy. After seeing how it affected him, knowing that it affected her the exact same way, she knew that her Dad had been right. It was bad for them, but she just couldn't get rid of it. It was a part of her history.

Lauren reached her hand out about to open the lid but before she could reach it she felt a searing pain go through her upper right arm. She bolted upright clutching her arm where she felt the phantom pain.

"What the hell?" she whispered to herself.

Her mind started going a million miles per minute. Andy, her connection to Andy, could she be feeling something he felt? What would that mean? Did Andy get hurt? What was going on?

She got up and started pacing the room, not that there was any space to pace in. She walked anxiously back and forth in about 3 yards of space. She tried to calm herself down but it wasn't working very well. She stopped pacing and took a deep breath. There was nothing she could do until the others got back. Then she could see if her theory was true.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

About a half-hour later Lauren heard the door open in the next room over. She bolted to the door and threw it open even though she wasn't supposed to open the door ever.

She made eye contact with Andy who was clutching his upper right arm, blood soaking through a rag he had pressed on it. Lauren was instantly across the room checking on him.

"What happened?" she asked, pressing on his arm where it was bleeding as he sat on a chair. Their mom had run to get supplies from the small bathroom across the hall.

"Bullet graze, purifiers were there," Andy said grimacing as Lauren pulled the rag he had been using to try to stop the bleeding to see the wound.

As Lauren inspected the wound Andy watched her.

"How bad is it?" he asked.

She sighed, "Not too bad I don't think. Like you said it's just a graze, but there is still a lot of blood."

"It hurts like a bitch." he said, half-heartedly laughing.

"I would think," Lauren said. She got up and grabbed a clean cloth from next to the kitchen sink. She walked back over, "How long ago did this happen?"

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