Episode 1

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Cade's Point Of View

I was nervous as hell for my first day at the Jedi academy. I was finally going learn how to become an actual Jedi. With a real master, not just me teaching myself like I've always have had to. My parents where both Jedis but they went missing when I was thirteen, I'm not even sure if they went missing, they could have abandoned me also. I never found out what happened to them. When they went missing or abandoned me, they left me two blue lightsabers. That's how I knew I was destined to become a Jedi. I treasured them my whole life because they were the only thing I've ever had.

I was walking by Adam's side in Jedi academy where I was to meet my new master. Adam is a Cathar Jedi sentinel whom I saved from a gang of trandoshens back in the Undercity. His species, the Cathar, is a species that look humanistic but have a cat like face. I watched as his long gold-blonde like hair fell from his shoulders, shinning in the sun. "Are you nervous?" He asked in a deep strong voice.
"Not at all! I'm prepared for anything! Excited is what I am!" I told him. He smiled. "Don't get too overconfident, just because you saved my life once doesn't mean you're a fully prepared padawan and you're going to become a Jedi in short time. Becoming a Jedi takes much time. It takes months if not years to become one" He said. Well wow, thanks for lowering my spirit. Adam and I where looking for my going-to-be master, Lucas Malone. While we were looking for him, so many questions rushed thru my mind. For example; how old is he? How does he look like? How much experience does he have with former padawans? What species is he? So many questions that I was hoping will be answered soon. While I was thinking, Adam finally seemed to have spotted Lucas. Adam walked me towards two human males so I couldn't really tell who Lucas was. One looked about two or three years older than me and the other looked like a full adult. The young one had hazel hair and green eyes. He looked pretty strong and was handsome but he doesn't look much like a good mentor. The adult male on the other hand looked like he had full experience and would be a good strong leader, the perfect mentor. The adult had black hair and brown eyes, not as handsome as the other but he looked like a good leader and that's what I'm looking for. Once Adam and I arrived to them, I presented myself. "Hello, I'm Cade, the new padawan"." Ah yes, we've been expecting you, welcome to the Jedi academy" said the adult. The younger male smiled at me. I ignored him. "I am Liam and this is Lucas, My former padawan that has recently graduated to a Jedi consular. He will be your master". I glanced at Lucas again. "Lots of experience huh?" I said with doubt. I didn't really like the idea of being taught by Lucas. I supposedly came here to learn and become a true Jedi, not to be taught be some guy who just finished his training, I bet he's going to be a horrible mentor! "Umm with all due respect sir, I thought I would be with a master who's had more experience.....with padawans". Adam and Liam chuckled a little. "Well young one, all mentors are already paired up for the year". Liam explained. "Yeah, and don't judge rookie so harshly" said Adam as he walked to Lucas to rub his head with his muscular arm, messing up his hair and making Lucas look defenseless. I raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Haven't you heard "Don't judge a book by its cover" young padawan?" Lucas told me as he fixed his hair back. I squinted at him. "well, Adam and I best be off" said Liam. Adam nodded in agreement. I watched as Liam and Adam walked away then turned back to my new master. "You may settle in for the day, get ready for tomorrow young one". "I'm not that young, I'm 15 you know, just one year earlier then most padawans" I said as I shot him a look. "How old are you anyway?" I asked. "I'm 18". Wow he was only three years older than me. "Tomorrow we'll talk about some respect to your master, sounds like a valuable lesson for a padawan like you" he said. Geez this guy is annoying. I laughed sarcastically. "Who says I'll learn that lesson anyway?" I smirked. He gave me a cheeky smile." alright, at least learn to control that attitude you got there". I rolled my eyes. "meet me here tomorrow at 9:00 am". He informed me. I nod in understanding. "See you tomorrow". I told him. "See you padawan". I walked off.

Lucas's Point Of View

I watched as my padawan walked off. She sure was nothing I expected but who am I kidding? She was an orphan who lived on the streets. Then again, I shouldn't expect much from her at the beginning. I then ran up to Liam and Adam. "Aren't you supposed to be with your padawan?" asked Liam. "I decided she should have the day off and settle in" I told him. "Oh alright, sounds fair enough. What do you think of her?"." She looks like a pain in the-"." language kid" Said Adam as he punched my shoulder. I shot him a bothered look. He beamed. " Believe it or not, you remind me of her"." I was not as rude as her"." but you still where a little rude and pretty arrogant"." I was not!" I spoke sharply to Liam. We all arrived to the elevator. " I'll be heading to my dorm, good Luck with your padawan Lucas"." I'll be heading to my dorm too and yeah, good luck with that Cade, rookie". "Thanks". I watched as both Adam and Liam left in the elevator.

Cade's Point of View

I looked at my papers that would indicate where my dorm would be. Since I couldn't afford anything, I had to get a small crappy room. I walked toward the elevator to get inside. I pushed the elevator button for the 5th floor, I saw someone else in the elevator that pushed the button for the 7th floor. She was a female twi'lek, she was taller than me and had purple skin with glowing pink eyes. She looked at me. "haven't seen you around here young boy". "I'm a girl!" I said a little frustrated. "Oh I'm so sorry, I couldn't tell because of your short hair"." Girls can have short hair too" I told her as I crossed my arms and cringed my face a little. She looked a little embarrassed. "well you do look very nice in it" she complemented me, I think. "thanks" I answered her. The elevator arrived to the 5th floor. "Cya around" I said. "See you young one, once again I'm sorry" she told me. I got off the elevator. I looked at my academy papers to see what room number I was, my room was 505. I skidded the doors in the hallway until I saw a room with the matching number. I open the door with a key I was given. I unlocked the door and walked inside. The room wasn't luxurious but it will do. I wasn't expecting a five star room anyway. The dorm was incredibly small, with no extra rooms besides the bathroom. My bed was in the same room as the kitchen, the wallpaper was just a plain old ugly shade of white and there was a medium sized window that would lead to the ledge of the building. Oh well, As long as it had a bed, bathroom and food, I'm in.

I woke up the next day fresh and ready. I was so excited to learn today. I walked to where I met Lucas yesterday in the Jedi temple. I saw him there waiting for me. I walked up to him. "hey comrade" I greeted him." call me master since I am your master now" he ordered me. "uh nah not happening" I told him. The smile he had on his face faded. It's really fun pissing him off. "So comrade, what's my first lesson?" I asked." I told you, to learn to respect your master". "You've got to be kidding me, that's a waste of a lesson and time!' I saw him grin. "All lessons have value". "Yeah all except this one". "See, you're going to need it since you're not respecting". "Ugh fine I'll respect you master" I grunted. He simpered. "Do you have a light saber?". I grabbed my duel lightsabers that where in my pocket belt by my hips. I flashed my blue lightsabers on." Duels? Where did you get them?"." They where my parents... I think anyway" I told him." where are your parents?" He asked me. "Missing or abandoned me" I told him. " I'm sorry to hear that" He said." nah it's fine. I'm over it anyway". "Great to know, one must always put purpose before feelings" He told me. I have to ignore my feelings now? That kinda sucks. "Follow me" he ordered.

Lucas led me to a training room. The floor was covered in safety mats. "For the first day we won't do much". He said. "Let's see how quick your reflexes are" he challenged me. I launched at him, hopping I gave him no time to react but he caught me. I tried to kick him but it was too late, He already managed to grab my arm and flip me over. I landed on my back clumsily. I moaned, not so much because of the pain but for the embarrassment! "Your reflexes need a lot of work, Cady". I hate to admit it but I got to agree. And wait, did he just call me Cady? Oh he's gonna get it!

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