Episode 2

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Cade's Point Of View

I got back up on my feet. Standing strong and trying to stay more focused this time. "Are you sure you want to try again with me? If you want I can get a more suitable opponent". I nodded my head to the side meaning no. I hated to fail, especially in a fight. "I don't give up too easily, comrade" I told him. I swung at him quickly, looking like I was going to kick his right side but instead, I kicked his left. He grabbed my leg; I managed to slip out of his grasp by flipping backwards. After I landed from my curving flip, I saw what appeared to be training daggers in the room. I used the force to retain them in my hands. I was sure I had a chance at winning this time, after all, I have weapons and he's bare handed. I dashed as quickly as I could to one side then to another, trying to confuse him of when and where I was going to strike. I then try to strike at his chest but he blocked me by slamming his wrist against my wrist, repeating the same to my other wrist to avoid the daggers. I couldn't believe I was losing to someone who was weaponless! Was I really that bad at fighting?! He then used the force to push me away. I fell clumsily to the ground, landing on my back. We paused, I stood sitting up on the ground, breathing wearily." I see you like making girls fall for you huh?" I said as I cocked an eyebrow. The look on his face was priceless. I laughed quietly. He shook his head ignoring my comment."A jedi will never fight nor kill an opponent who is unarmed" he said, looking at me in the eye. "Oh...okay, sorry I didn't know master" I explained." it's alright. You're very swift and athletic, a very useful and important skill for jedi". His comment elevated my self esteem. "Let's try again". He used to force to pilfer one of the daggers from my hand. "This time, we're both armed".

My body felt a little tender from all the training I had done with Lucas earlier. Thankfully the day was about to be over. I made my way to my dorm and opened the door to get inside. Once I made it inside, I plopped down onto the bed, tired and sore. I slowly started to drift away into sleep.

Lucas's Point Of View

Cade and I just finished training. Since the day was about to be over I let her go rest. After all, she did get pretty beat up today, her body must be sore. She was really not all that bad at combat but she still needed to work on a lot of her moves, she was also really clumsy at times. One thing I can't get over is that damn attitude she has, it's really annoying. I really can't picture her as a wise jedi. When she gets older I bet she'll be a silly foolish Jedi, happily pissing off everyone in her sight. Wait until she has to start training with other padawans. Poor younglings.

I was walking to the tranquility spire where I recently went to meditate before I became a Jedi consuler, to sooth myself and relax while I'd meditate. Before I got to the spire I was called on by my comm. "Master Lucas, we are in need of your aide. Meet at the entrance of the temple with others as multiples are being assign to this rescue mission" said an unrecognized voice threw my comm. " I'll be on my way, is my padawan assigned to this mission as well? " I asked threw comm." Since your padawan is still very new, I ask you not to bring her along"." alright". I quickly started to make my way to the entrance of the Jedi temple.

Cade's Point Of View

I woke up shortly after I just fell asleep, hearing voices in the hallway. It was still night, about 11:30 pm. I got up from my bed lazily and pressed against the door to hear what the voices where saying, yes I know, I'm very nosy. "We must alert masters and their padawans, there are enemy droids heading towards the village" said a male voice. "All masters and padawans or some?"  Questioned another male voice. "Some. Not all, many padawans are still in training for missions, many are not ready yet and can risk their lives" responded the first male voice. I knew I couldn't join this mission but I was so excited. Maybe I could go.... Just not fight or be seen. While I was deciding, I heard the people in the hallway walk off. I knew I couldn't just step outside my dorm and follow them, so I had to get out of my dorm some other way. While I was thinking, I looked out the window that my dorm had. I saw the enemy droids in the distance the two voices where talking about, in fact there was an army! I started to worry. Then it came to me. I could just get out from the window! How stupid of me not to think of that before! I opened the widow; it was a little stuck so I had to push hard. As I opened it and got onto the roof, I sat outside my window and took a deep breath. "Come on, this is your chance to experience what a mission is like" I murmured to myself. I slowly got up and stood on the roof. I was careful not to make a bad step and slip. I started to walk cautiously on the roof, looking for a way to get down. I saw a ledge below me that I could jump to. I looked down to the ledge, seeing how I could jump onto it without having a risk of falling. I kept thinking that it was impossible, so I just decided to risk it. I leaped down onto the ledge. I was surprised in didn't fall, I grew confidence and repeated the same with the next ledge. Once made it to the last ledge and had to make a big jump to get to the ground, though I was still pretty high off. I've seen many jedis jump dangerous heights so flowing as if they could fly; I doubt I could do that in just one try. I jumped off the last ledge, panicking but trying to concentrate. The feeling of my body falling was petrifying yet relaxing. I liked how I felt the wind brushing against me as I fell. I then landed on the ground clumsily on my hands and knees, like a loth cat would but a loth cat would have more stealth. Finally, I made to the ground, now I needed to head towards the village.

When I made it to the village, I panicked. I saw Lucas with a bunch of other jedis, padawans and republic solders. I looked for a place to hide; I saw some bushes so I hid in them as quickly as I could. I tried not to make any noise. I started to listen to the group's conversation.

I watched Lucas as he spoke." Some of you are still young padawans in training. Since you are new to this, I shall advise you that you have a chance of death but risking your lives for the innocent is one of the ways of proving that you are a true Jedi" he said to give the group confidence. I saw a male adult approach Lucas to his left side. He had a huge scar in the form of an X that crossed his face over his eye. "alright, we shall split up in three groups, I shall lead one group, Lucas shall lead another and Liam the same" he said as he pointed out Lucas and Liam. A thought hit me as I gazed at Liam, who is his padawan since I didn't get him as my master.

After the group was slit up into three smaller groups, they all set out. I was so excited to see the jedis and their padawans in action! I knew I had to be quite and hidden because if I was caught, I bet I'd get in a load of trouble.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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