Chapter 1

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I woke up to the rather loud sound of my alarm going off. I groaned out. "I hate Mondays." I muttered to myself as I stopped the alarm.

Okay, so let me introduce myself. My name is Felicite Woods, but most people call me Fizzy. I am your typical teenage girl who loves music, Netflix, internet, and food. I have long, brown wavy hair that reached my mid-back. I have blue eyes and I'm 5'0 feet. I'm really short. I'm 16 years old and in 12th grade. I live in Seattle along with my mom, dad, 7 year old sister, Phoebe, and 18 year old brother, Chase.

I stretched out my arm to reach my phone, closing my alarm. I cuddled into the blankets, not wanting to get out of the comfortable blankets and mattress.

I sighed as I swung my feet over the side of my bed and stood on my feet, stretching and yawning while doing so.

I sauntered over to my dresser, picking out a plain white t-shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. I'm not like most of the girls in my class, dressing all slutty and girly. I go for casual.

I swung my backpack from my couch to over my shoulder. I opened the door of my bedroom and immediately smelled the aroma of bacon. My eyes widened and I ran down the stairs, almost tripping and falling, to the kitchen.

"I smell bacon!" I yelled as I ran to the cupboard, taking out a plate.

"Calm down." My mother laughed as she tipped the frying pan over my plate, letting the bacon fall down.

I immediately devoured the bacon as my mom stared at me in disgust.

I literally have no shame. I mean it's bacon, duh. I would have sex with bacon, make bacon babies, and then eat my bacon husband and babies.

"A person could mistake you for a dog." my mom said in mock disappointment.

"But you love me anyways." I said while munching on bacon.

"Eat quickly, you're going to miss the bus." She said, ignoring me.

I shoved three bacon inside my mouth and ran to the door. "Bye mom! Love you!" I yelled out.

"Love you too!" she yelled back.

It took me 5 minutes to walk to the bus stop. When I arrived, one of my best friends, Abigail, approached me.

"Hey Fizz!" she said as she ruffled my hair.

"Stooop." I grumbled out, fixing my hair. My friends have this thing where they ruffle my hair all the time. They should stop. My hair feels raped.

Abigail Gold is known for one of the girly girls. She isn't a slut, that's for sure, but she is girly just like my two other best friends. She has long brown hair that reached to her mid-back and has dark brown eyes. She's as short as me.

She stuck her tongue out at me and I rolled my eyes, "Immature."






"Female dog."

"Whatever." She chuckled.

I victory danced, making myself look like a fool. People looked at me weirdly. I just smiled at them creepily until they stopped.

The bus stopped in front of us and Abigail and I went in along with some other people.


We walked through the doors of school, and to our lockers, immediately being greeted by my other two best friends, Maria and Natalia.

Maria King has black, straight hair that reached to her mid-back and she has blue eyes. She's about 5'3 feet.

Natalia Pryor has blonde, wavy hair that reached to her mid-back and she had green eyes. She's about the same height as Maria.

They make me feel insecure about myself sometimes.

"Sup, my bitches." Maria said as she and Natalia approached us.

"Ugh, don't fucking swear." I grumbled.

"You just did." Natalia chuckled.

"Whatever, I gotta go to class." I huffed out as I said bye to them and walked to History class. Unfortunately, they're not in the same class as me in first period so that sucks.

I walked into class, head down, going through Instagram on my phone. I immediately collided into someone's body, making me fall down on my butt.

"What the fuck?" I groaned out, a little angry. "Watch it!" I looked up, meeting a certain pair of green eyes. The pair of green eyes that belonged to the one and only Harry Styles. I immediately regretted the words that came out of my mouth.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" He said in his cute British accent that I could never get tired of. He held out his hand to me.

"No, no, no, it's fine. I should've looked where I was going anyways." I reassured him as I took hand. He pulled me up a little too hard and I ended up colliding my chest against his.

He smirked down at me as I blushed and pulled away, looking down. He chuckled as he bent down to pick up my books that fell to the floor and handed them to me.

"Nice running in to you. Literally." he said, laughing a little after. I watched him as he took his seat next to his friends.

Harry Styles. The most popular guy along with his 3 best friends, Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik. Every girl in school would die to be with them. Even the lunch ladies. That's how powerful their charm is.

I sat down on my seat, which was in the very front row.

"Good morning, students." Mr. Fitz, the history teacher, said as he stood up from his desk, walking around it, to stand at the front. "We have a new student today. Please stand up, Niall Horan."

I heard a chair being pushed back at the desk behind me and I turned around. My jaw dropped at the sight of what I was seeing.

Niall had blonde hair with a little bit of brown hair at the bottom of his quiffed hair and had blue eyes that I could stare at forever. He was wearing a black shirt with white sleeves and blue, knee ripped skinny jeans. He is undeniably hot.

"Hey guys." he said. He has a sexy, thick Irish accent. And trust me when I tell you I have a fetish for accents.

I looked around and saw all the girls staring at him in awe, basically drooling at him. I already knew I had no chance with him.

"It's nice to have you here, Mr. Horan. Since you missed everything we learned about before, I'll have someone guide you through the lesson." Mr. Fitz said to Niall.

Every girls' hands instantly shot up. They all were squealing and pleading. I just thought they were acting so desperate. Such sad people.

"I'll take him."

I looked back to see Louis raising his hand.

"Ah, Mr. Tomlinson. Okay, you can guide him through the lesson." Mr. Fitz said as he flipped open the history book. Every girl groaned and put down their hands.

"Page 362, everyone." Mr. Fitz said, rolling his eyes.

I think I just developed a new crush on the school's new hottie.


Sooooo. My very first book/fanfiction on Wattpad so I'm sorry if my writing is bad 😞 i know this chapter is short, but it'll get longer later ☺️ Thanks to the people who are reading this for choosing to read this book, I wub chuuuuu ❤️ I hope you enjoy it 🙈
- Annie x

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