what? what

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I pat my back pocket to check my phone but it's not there, I even check my bag to make sure but still it's not here. I stood in front of my chair thinking about when was the last time I saw my phone. Then it hit me, I face palm when I realized that I lend my phone to my classmate because she was asking for the copy of our lesson earlier.

I approach her, she was sitting on her chair, busy chitchatting with her friend.

"Hey Jane! Are you done transferring the files?" She looked up to me and nodded.

"Yeah. Thank You." She smiled and continue chitchatting with her friend. Okay??

"Uhh.. can I have my phone back?" I asked. She looks at me confused.

"Oh Nanon borrowed your phone too, he told me that he will give it back to you after he's done transferring the files." I formed my lips to a thin line. This is not the first time that he borrowed my phone because the last time that he returned my phone, the storage space was full. He took lot of selfies, like a lot until my phone was full. So annoying that's why I don't let anyone borrow my phone.

"Do you want me to get it?" My classmate asked.

"No it's okay. No worries." I said and left the classroom.

I swear to God I don't know where to find this guy. I went to our library, basketball court, canteen, parking lot, basically I roam around the entire university but he's nowhere to find. The last area that I haven't visited is the park which is very far away from the school buildings but I have no choice I need to find my phone.

There are not much people in the park because it's far from the buildings and it is located at the very end of the university. As I approach the park, I only saw one person, sitting on top of the table, yup on the table even though there are 4 chairs around that table. He's facing his back on me so I couldn't really tell but I am one hundred percent convinced that the guy is Nanon.

I sneakily walked behind him trying not to make any sound while he's busy playing with my phone. I hold both of this shoulder and pretend to pull him behind but he got startled so much and lose his balance. I also lose my balance and got carried because he's much bigger compared to me.

Everything went fast and the only thing I know is that my back is laying on the grass. I slowly open my eyes and I saw him looking at me. He's hovering on top of me, both of his hands are stretched beside my head, refraining himself from falling on me.

When I realize that we're in a very awkward position I immediately stood up and pat the dirt on my clothes.

"You know you don't have to do that right? You can just ask me nicely." He said and smirked. I glared at him. I swear I don't know where he got the nerves to tease me.

"Whatever give my phone back."

"I'm not yet done"

"Liar. You're just taking selfies." I tried to snatch my phone but he's too tall.

nanon korapatWhere stories live. Discover now