Nanon Artist

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I arrived at our building exactly at 7am. I check the studio that we will be using to shoot a commercial, some of my colleagues just started setting up the area. Though it's too early to start working I decided to go the coffee shop located at the ground floor to order an iced americano and some cookie as my breakfast, I don't usually eat breakfast because I'm too lazy to cook. When I'm about to leave the coffee shop I saw a tall guy together with his manager.

"Good morning!" I greeted his manager first. He greeted back and said that he'll just buy a coffee for others and his artist, Nanon. I think supposed to wait for him so we can all go to the studio together. Nanon and I were left outside the coffee shop. I have no plan talking to him so I just remain drinking my coffee.

"Again?" Nanon spoke. I looked at him with my brows knitted. "I told you to eat something healthy every morning" he said referring to my choice of order.

"I got lazy, so I got this." I said pointing the drink. He rolled his eyes. I my mouth meet the straw he quickly snatched my drink, he took a sip and hand it back to me.

"Your manager is literally buying you one."

"Nah, I like yours." He winked. Ugh he always does this. I hate him. Ohm supposed to be doing this project but he's too busy this week so the project went to this annoying guy.

Nanon and I were not that close, though he was the only artist who annoys me whenever he gets the chance. Compared to other artist like Ohm and Chimon, I barely talk to them because they're too busy but fun to work with. Also, I find it weird that Nanon become extra annoying because he kept texting me this past few weeks. He always asks about what I'm doing, where I am and other random things that are not work related. He also never fails to text me 'good mornings' and 'goodnights', and updates me with what's on happening in his life.

"Hold this" he said and hands me his hoodie. He left me outside to enter the coffee shop.

They came back, his manager holding 2 trays of coffee while Nanon has a paper bag. "Can you hold this one?" His manager asked me and I nodded.

"I'll just hold it." Nanon quickly grab the tray to me.

"Such a gentleman" His manager compliments him. Normally I would not react to his act of kindness if it's just me and him because I know that he's just being weird but since that we're with his manager I thanked him.

His manager told us that he just needs to bring the other coffee to his co-managers on different floors so Nanon and I enter the studio together, they greeted him and some followed him to his dressing room to brief him while I place down the coffee tray and distribute it to others.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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