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I was surprise when someone held my hand. I turn around and saw nanon smiling at me. I checked him out, he's wearing some black hoodie, sweat pants and a white hat. Clothes he usually wears when we go out together. Nanon and I had been together for about 3 years now and today is our anniversary. I don't really mind not having any celebration but he always insists and I appreciate him for that.

I can't deny that Nanon is a famous celebrity and he want to keep our relationship privately because he wants to separate his job to his private life. I'm fine with it because i don't want him to have any issues and conflict to his job and i love and will supports him no matter what.

i noticed that he's carrying his camera bag with him.

"What's up with the camera?" I asked.

"I have to film a day in my life." He said.

"You're always working." He looks at me and pouted.

"Yeah. That's why i'm always tired and I need my girlfriend because you're my source of energy." He still pouting and i can't help to laugh because a 6 ft man in front of me acting like a baby.

"Ew you're cheesy." I pushed him away.

"At least you love me." He said and pulled me closer to put his arms around my shoulder.

I didnt answer so he poke my waist. "Hey! say you love me." I keep my mouth close until he started tickling me.

"Okay! Okay!" I held both of his hand to stop him. He just raised his eyebrows waiting for me to answer.

"I love you." I said and he smiled. "I know." i saw it coming. He loves to tease me all the time.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the place you wanted to go after I came to your life." I knitted my eyebrows. I never said anything about the place I wanted to go because I know that he's busy with his work.

"What? Where??" I'm still confused because I have no idea what he's saying.

"Think!" Just what he said, I think and think and think and think and think but still nothing.

"Here" He added and shows me 2 entry ticket.

"No way." I covered my mouth. I realized about what he said 'the place I wanted to go after he came to my life' is the Marine Park. I remember that I tweeted long time ago that the only time I'm going to that park is when I finally have a boyfriend and he's making that happen.

He smiled. "Yes way. Come let's go." But before we could go, I hug him first.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Only for you, love.." He whispered back and squeezed me into his arms.

We ride a train to go to Marine Park and surprisingly there's not much people in outside because Nanon would hold my hand sneakily and pulled me closer to him.

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