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I'm already wide awake after a short nap. My stomach doesn't feel like throwing up anymore and I'm currently watching the scenery outside the window while leaning my head on her shoulder.

I suddenly felt hungry so I removed my head from leaning on her and I look up to her. She was closing her eyes while crossing her arms.

She was actually holding my hand earlier but Irene kept on looking back to check on me so we had no choice but to let go of each other or else she'll get suspicious.

I opened the bag that is currently resting on my lap. Lisa packed me some sandwiches so I decided to eat that first.

I hope I won't throw up while eating. I'm really hungry.

I took the sandwich from the tupperware and unwrapped it. I took a bite and moaned in delight.

Even though it's just a simple sandwich, it's Lisa who made it and it's 100% delicious as usual.

I continued eating while looking outside to please myself.

I wonder if we're almost there. As we continue travelling, the buildings are starting to disappear and so are the big houses.

It's like we're going to a province.

It's a good thing though. It'll be less pollution for us hihi.

I managed to finish my sandwich. I'm still hungry and I look at Lisa, she's still sleeping.
She told me we'd share the sandwich so I better left some for her.

But I'm still hungry.

I bit my lower lip as I look at the remaining sandwich inside the tupperware.

I look back at Lisa and the sandwich.

Food or Lisa?

Lili loves me anyway. I'm sure she'll understand.

I happily took the sandwich our if the tupperware and bring it to my mouth.

I giggled in delight and look back outside while eating.

I suddenly heard someone clearing their throat so I look around and my lips suddenly met Lisa's.

She grinned and I can feel myself blusing as I look around to see if someone saw us.

"Stealing kisses now, Nini?" She whispered to me.

"I-it was an accident. Sorry"

She smiled and look at the sandwich I was holding.

"Is that the sandwich left for me?"

"No. This is mine"

"And where's mine then?"

"Uhm, I left it at home"

"Nice try Nini. I was the one who packed your snacks remember?"

I pouted and brought the sandwich close to her mouth.

"Okay. You can have it" I said sadly.

She hold my hand and took a bite.

Her face suddenly grimaced and look at me.

"It doesn't taste good"

"What? It taste great. What are you saying?"

"I don't like it. I think I forgot to put something on it" she said and leaned back to her seat.

"Huh? But it taste good, Lili"

"Nope. I don't like it"

But it taste really good.

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