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I'm supposed to be on my way towards the car that'll fetch me when the three suddenly appeared in front of me.

I stopped walking and faced them and I saw them smiling.

"Hello" I greeted my friends.

Tzuyu and Irene pulled me and linked their arms with mine as they pull me somewhere

I heard Sana groaned behind us but still followed the three of us. She was carrying Tzuyu's bag and I know it because she's carrying two.

Irene's bag is in her hand.

"Where are we going?" I asked as I let them drag me.

"Oh you'll see. Just follow us, we should be quick" Tzuyu said while giggling

"This is nonsense. Can we just go home now yoda? I wanna sleep" I heard Sana said behind us making Tzuyu scoff.

"I told you we're only going to be quick. I just need to make sure what they said was right"

"I thought you hated the basketball team?" She asked from behind

"Of course I do. I'll hate them till my last breath"

We took a turn until we reached the gymnasium. I raised an eyebrow as we get near the place. I still have no idea on why we're here.

"We're only going to take a peek" Irene said beside me and I only nodded because I still have no clue on why we're outside this place.

"Why? What's inside?"

"They said they saw V dressed in his basketball uniform. That just means he's back on playing" Tzuyu answered

"Oh really? Maybe that's why he's wearing a basketball shirt earlier" I said and the two of them looked at me

"You saw him?"

I nodded

"Why didn't you tell us?"

"Huh? Is it necessary? I'm sorry, I'll let you girls know next time"

They suddenly squealed and peeked inside. When the door opened a little, I can hear screams coming from the inside.

Irene was the one who got in first and she pulled me with her. Once we were inside, I saw a lot of people in here, mostly girls.

I saw blue haired guy and V on the court with their teammates.

Oh, so he really was playing.

The four of us made our way towards the crowd and find a seat. I sat down beside Sana while the two are standing and watching the game.

"Wow he really is back. I never thought I'd see him dribbling the ball once again" Irene said as she cheered together with the others.

"What are they saying, Sana? Isn't V a member of the basketball team?" I whispered to the sleepy girl beside me.

"Actually, V stopped playing when we were in 10th grade. It happened when his mother passed away and he didn't bother touching the ball or playing" she said and yawned

"Oh is that so? That's too bad. He looks fine now"

The orange haired girl only nodded and placed her head on my shoulder.

"If he's not playing anymore, how come he always sit beside the basketball team?"

"I don't know Jennie. Maybe because they're his friends?" She said and she's obviously being sarcastic.

The two girl in front of us cheered before Tzuyu turned around to look at us.

"Hey get up! V is really good at playing" she said before turning her head back to the game.

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