Chapter 1 - The Newcomers

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I stared out the window, watching birds fly past in the clear blue sky. The sun shone down wrapping everything in a warm glow. My eyes scanned across the empty field. Chip packets were blowing around in the gentle breeze.

A half - eaten strawberry laid alone near the grass. Small birds flew down and ate leftover breadcrumbs on the gravel.

The students around me chatted noisily. It had been seven minutes since class started, yet our teacher - Miss Caine - hadn't shown up yet.

Just then, the door opened with a loud creak, silencing the students. I turned my head to the door expecting to see Miss Caine but it was the secretary lady. She had a scowl on her face as usual, her blonde hair in a tight bun on top of her head. Her red lipstick standing out against her light skin.

"This is Larkin. He's a new student." Only then did I notice a boy almost as tall as her. He had green eyes that looked mesmerizing. He had brown hair with white streaks in it. His jawline was sharp. He had his hands in his pockets with a smirk across his handsome face.

The secretary lady left without a word as all eyes were on the new boy. "Hey, I'm Larkin. Glad to be here." His voice sounded soothing in a way but it also sounded mischievous. The smirk stayed on his face as the class erupted into whispers.

I could hear girls swooning over him already. I glanced across the classroom to where my best friend was sitting. Rayne was the class captain of the class and I knew she was worried about the whereabouts of Miss Caine but I wanted her opinion on the new guy. She caught my eye and before I could say anything, there was a hand on my desk.

"This seat taken?" I looked up at that familiar voice. Larkin stood in front of me. Now that he was so close I could see just how beautiful his eyes were. They were enchanting and I seemed to be hypnotized.

"Uh no I mean yes." My face heated up as I fumbled with my words. He raised an eyebrow with the same smirk on his face. "Well what is it pretty girl?"

"It's not taken." Although it was. My other best friend Haven usually sat in front of me but she hadn't come to school today which was odd. He turned away and pulled the chair out before sitting on it then turning it at an angle to look at me. "What's your name?"

I could sense the other students watching us and that made me shy away. I was not used to all the attention. "Mew." I told him, instantly wanting to put my hair in front of my face so he wouldn't see me. "Mew? That's your name? That's adorable."

Before I could say anything, the door opened again and in walked a tall, slim woman. Her blonde hair was long, almost at her kneecaps. She was wearing a long black dress with lace designs on. Her skin was pale and she wore eyeliner that made her black eyes stand out.

"Good day class. I'm Minerva Kadakia and I'll be your new teacher. Your old teacher Miss Caine will no longer be teaching." A chill ran down my spine. What? How is that even possible?

Did Miss Caine resign? But that's not like her. I took another glance at Rayne and I saw her worried expression. The students whispered to one another. There was a loud bang. "Silence!" Miss Kadakia had slammed her hand on the whiteboard.

"Take out your English books. I have a pop quiz for you." There was some hesitation before everyone complied. I turned and looked out the window. The sun was now covered in a thick blanket of grey clouds.


"That was weird. She was weird." Stated Rayne as we got our lunch out of our bags. "The 'Miss Caine' story was weird too. That's not like her. Wouldn't the principal say something?" I questioned as I took a bite out of my sandwich. Rayne pushed her short brown hair out of her face.

"I don't like her."

"Well she's our teacher now so we'll have to put up with her." The wind was blowing now and I put my sandwich down. "Look over there." Rayne nudged her head over to the left and I looked. Larkin was with two guys.

Link and Macon.

"Those guys give me the creeps. I always get bad vibes when I'm around those two. Larkin shouldn't hang out with them." She said picking at her sandwich. "I don't know. Looks like he fits right in." I mumbled watching the three guys laugh together.

Larkin turned and looked at me and I completely froze. I wasn't expecting that. He smirked before he turned back to his new buddies.

Rayne put her sandwich down and huffed before taking her phone out of her bag. "You're not gonna eat?"

"I'm not that hungry." She replied before I took a bite out of my sandwich. Suddenly she gasped. "Mew, look!" She shoved her phone in my face excitedly. I took a look at the screen.

'Come one, come all to the Froslu Circus.'
'Open from the 30th of October to the 2nd of November'
'Located on the outskirts of Kinbronds'

"Kinbronds? Where's that?" I asked. "Nevermind where that is. There's gonna be a circus! Isn't that cool?!" I chuckled at Rayne's excitement. "Well I don't know. I've never been to one." She rolled her hazel coloured eyes.

"Which is why you should be excited. Don't you watch movies?" I shrugged. "I haven't really watched circus movies."

"We should totally go."

"If we find wherever Kinbronds is, then sure."

"Of course we'll find it. Ever heard of a map?" Rayne was very old fashioned and she had literal maps in her house. Apparently her parents gave them to her. I wasn't too excited about the circus cause I didn't really get all the hype but it wouldn't hurt to go.


A/n: I hope you enjoy my story and please vote and comment <3

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