Chapter 37 - The singing woman

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It was midnight and I couldn't sleep. I was feeling hot under the duvet. My mom hadn't spoken to me at all during dinner and Jinx was cooped up in her room.

Pico was asleep next to me. The moonlight shone through my window. I never liked sleeping with my curtains closed cause the room would be too dark. I heard a female voice singing outside. "sequi me." It was muffled but I knew it was coming from outside. It was kind of hypnotizing. I sat up. The words were being repeated over and over.

I got out of bed slowly, trying not to wake Pico up before I decided to check it out. It sounded like the same voice I kept hearing the other times so maybe I'd be able to see this woman and find out what she wanted.

I walked downstairs. It was dark and I wanted to go back for my phone but the voice seemed to get further away.

This was my only chance.

When I got outside there was a slight breeze that made the leaves rustle. I followed the path that led through the forest. I could still hear the singing. Someone was definitely ahead of me.

I started jogging and kept to the shadows. I didn't want the person to notice me just yet. As I passed the trees it seemed as if there were people watching me and it caused a chill to run down my spine. I halted when I saw the cemetery up ahead. "Oh no."

The singing now came from inside the cemetery. I walked a little closer but couldn't see anything.

I took a deep breath and pushed open the gate to the cemetery. It opened with a creak and I stepped inside. The singing had stopped and it was eerily quiet. I listened for any other sounds, footsteps, scuffling, but there was nothing.

I slowly stepped forward. I had no idea where I was going but I had to do this. I felt eyes on me the entire time I walked but there was no one whenever I turned around. An owl hooted in the distance and I jumped in fright.

"tu me secuta est." The voice was right next to me in a whisper and I saw a big oval shaped thing with an open entrance. It was dark inside but I knew someone was in there.

"fiat lux." I whispered while I kept my hand outstretched and a purple light appeared in my palm.

I held it toward the entrance and looked in. It looked like some sort of tunnel. I walked in and squinted as I looked around.

There was a staircase up ahead that led down. I walked towards it and peered down. "There's no way I'm going down there." I muttered before turning around. A woman with red hair and dark skin stood in front of me. She was wearing a long black cloak. She stretched her hand out.

"ignis trabem!" She shouted. My eyes widened.

"obice!" I yelled as a lilac, transparent wall surrounded me just before a purple beam shot out of her hand at me. The barrier was able to stop the beam from hitting me. She put her arm down and the beam disappeared before she lifted her other hand up and threw me against the wall.

My back hurt as it connected with the wall and I fell down on my knees, gasping for breath. The woman cackled. Literally cackled. My knees shook as I managed to stand up. I needed to think of something fast.

I couldn't face her on own. I needed to call my mother. "fumigant bomb." I stretched my arm out and a huge puff of purple smoke surrounded her. I ran as fast I could to the staircase when I felt a strong force push me and I tumbled down the stairs.

My whole body ached when I reached the bottom and the side of my head had a burning sensation. I knew I must've been cut open.

"obice." I whispered and the lilac barrier surrounded me again. It was dark now that my light went out as soon as I fell down and I couldn't see her. I heard footsteps and saw a glow above.

Looked like fire to me. I heard the woman chant more spells and I felt heat around me. It was definitely fire. After a few seconds, Larkin appeared next to me and teleported us to the entrance of the cemetery.

He placed his hands on my shoulders. "Are you okay?" He asked. My body was still aching and my knees wobbled as I walked out the cemetery. "Yes. But what about her?"

"I took care of her. Come on, you're bleeding." In one swift motion, he picked me up bridal style and teleported to my house.

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