Chapter 23 - Aftermath

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Oh my gosh.

This was my first kiss! What was I doing?!

I didn't care though. My lips moved against his and he pulled me closer to him. I pulled away quickly and saw him smirk at me, leaning in for another kiss.

Haven appeared next to me and grabbed my arm in shock. "Mew, what happened?" I turned back to look at Larkin but he wasn't there. There was another guy in his place and the pretty girl from before was kissing him.


Where's Larkin?

Link appeared next to Haven. "Everything alright?" I shook my head. I pointed to that girl. "Who is that and who is she with?" Link looked before he looked back at me. "Macy, that's her boyfriend." My eyes widened. Oh no.

"I have to go." I said before I pulled away and ran out the house. Everything was spinning and I was still feeling very hot. I couldn't see Larkin. I wanted to find him but I was too embarrassed by what I did.

I just ruined my chances with him. Through a dazed mind, I managed to navigate my way home. I opened the door that was thankfully unlocked. I looked at the clock in the kitchen.

It was one in the morning.

I went upstairs and knocked on Jinx's door before I entered. Her lamp light was on and thankfully she was awake.

"Hey Mew. How was your party?" I couldn't keep it in. I burst into tears thinking about what I'd done.

She jumped up and embraced me, rubbing my back. She let me cry on her shoulder while I told what I did in between sobs. "Oh Mew. Maybe he didn't see?" I scoffed and wiped my face. I was all cried out now.

"I made sure he was looking. I'm a terrible friend." I felt like crying again. "Look, go to sleep now. You must be exhausted, things will seem better in the morning." She led me to her bed and tucked me in after I took off my shoes and got under the covers.

She laid behind me and wrapped an arm around me while telling me I was gonna be okay. I eventually drifted off to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I had a massive headache. I groaned as I sat up. I checked the time and saw it was eight.

There was a glass of water and two pain pills on the desk and I took them. The bed was empty and I hoped Jinx hadn't left home. I found my phone on the floor and I unlocked it and saw a ton of missed calls from Rayne and Haven and one from an unknown number. My heart leapt when I opened it.

Hey. I hope you're okay, I didn't see you after what happened. Call me when you get this - Fabian

I deleted it and put my head in my hands. I suddenly got up and went to shower and put on some comfortable clothes and shoes before I went downstairs. Luckily my mother was there.

"Hey mom." She looked up at me and smiled but her smile faltered. "Hey darling. You okay?" I nodded. "Can you tell me how to get to Dargan's house?" She nodded. "Sure. I have a teleportation spell you can use." I shook my head.

"No I'd... I'd rather walk." She gave me the directions that I stored in my memory and walked out, putting my hands in the pocket of my hoodie.

I kept my head down as I walked. It was pretty chilly. There were grey clouds covering the sky and a strong wind blew. Brown leaves littered the ground and crunched under my shoes as I walked. Almost there.

I reached a cemetery. I took one glance at it and shivered. I heard a female voice singing in the cemetery but I couldn't see her. "exsurge servi mei et perdes populo." The voice sounded beautiful but the song sounded sinister. Of course I couldn't understand what she was singing so I ignored her and carried on walking.

I ran through a bunch of things I was gonna say to Larkin when I saw him. Most of them consisted of me apologizing a hundred times but that didn't seem like enough. What if I had really hurt him?

I finally reached the huge mansion. I felt a bit intimidated but I walked to the door and rung the doorbell. It opened after a while and Dargan stood there in a fancy suit.

"Uh hi. Is Larkin here?" I didn't want to seem too timid in front of him but it was hard when he looked at me like that. I mentally gasped. What if he knew? "Hello Mew. Yes he's here. You remember the way to his room?" I nodded. "Yeah."

He stepped aside and I walked in. I went straight to the elevator and pressed the button for the second floor. The lift slowly ascended before it stopped and I got out.

I suddenly felt nervous and I slowly walked down the hallway to the last door before I knocked on it.

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