Chapter 15 - The leaders

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"Would you like anything to eat?" Asked the maid, appearing next to Rayne and making me jump again. "Yeah I could eat." Answered Link and the rest of us nodded. "Some tuna for me would be nice." Said Pico to her retreating form.

He had made himself comfortable on my lap. "Let me tell you about Kinbronds first." He started when our food had come. It wasn't anything too fancy. Just sandwiches but we all ate as if we hadn't eaten in months.

"Not a lot of people know about Kinbronds. It's a place exclusively for the supernatural and those are witches, demons and fairies."

"Which makes sense why we've never heard of it." Stated Haven and Rayne and I nodded. "People without supernatural abilities aren't allowed to enter Kinbronds. If they do stumble across it, the leaders are alerted and a witch gets a spell to erase their memory and they go back to where they came from."

"So this place is like top secret." I muttered. "Now, about the leaders. There are six leaders in total and I really look up to them even though I'm just a cat." Pico's eyes seemed to shine and I couldn't help but chuckle. Rayne laughed too and I was glad.

She cried most of the time and I was happy to see her laugh at least.

"There's Kyoka the witch, Oren the fairy, Dargan the demon, Tatania the fairy, Harlequin the fairy and Corpse the demon." Explained Pico.

"So our parents are leaders?" Questioned Haven and Pico gasped. "Which one are your parents?" He asked excitedly standing up on my lap with his tail high in the air. "Oren's my dad, Harlequin is Rayne's and Kyoka is Mew's mom." She answered.

"Dargan is Larkin's dad and Corpse is his older brother." Said Macon. My eyes widened. Only then did I realise how similar Dargan and Larkin looked. They both had pale skin and piercing green eyes and a strong jawline. Dargan's hair colour was just pitch black.

"That's so awesome. I should hang out with you guys more!" Exclaimed Pico and I laughed at his excitement. "So what do the leaders do?" Asked Jinx. Pico went back to laying on my lap.

"They're like... what do you call those people? Uh... presidents. They keep the town in check, help people, all that boring stuff but they're super powerful. That's why everyone loves them and it's said that when they're old enough, they choose people who they think are powerful and brave enough to be the next leaders of the town. It's a major responsibility and everyone wants a shot at that but they're very secretive about who they keep their eye on."

"But my dad said we're next in line. I didn't even know I was a fairy up until today. I can't be next in line if I know nothing about my abilities." Said Rayne and I could tell she was getting upset. I held her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Wait, so when our parents said they had to go away for business... this is what they meant?" Asked Haven. "Seems like it. They could've told us." Responded Jinx.

"Exactly." Said Rayne and we all went quiet. An unfamiliar guy walked into the living room. He had black hair and brown eyes. He had three scars on his right cheek that seemed to be claw marks but he was handsome. "Oh I didn't know there would be people here." He muttered and my eyes widened at how deep his voice was.

"Hey Corpse. How's Larkin?" Asked Macon. Ah so he's Larkin's older brother and one of the leaders. "My dad says he's okay, he just needs to rest." Answered Corpse. "Anyway I gotta go, I'm meeting up with Tatiana." He waved before he turned and walked away.

"His voice." Said Haven fanning herself and Pico stood up excitedly. "I can't believe the Corpse spoke to us!" He exclaimed.

I heard heavy footsteps walking downstairs before Dargan appeared. "Larkin is awake and he's fine. I'm going back to help the others. I trust you all to stay put and keep yourselves busy?"

"Yeah of course." Answered Link. "Can I see Larkin?" I asked mentally slapping myself for asking but also hoping the answer would be yes. Dargan looked at me for a few seconds before he nodded.

"Of course. His room is on the second floor, the last door on the left. You can take the elevator up that's on the other side of the staircase."

I nodded. "Thank you." He nodded and turned around. I put Pico down on the ground and stood up, trying not to look at the mess I made on the couch. I put my plate that had the sandwiches down on the coffee table in the middle of the room and walked out to find the elevator.

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