~part 2~

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*Almost forgot, here's her whip*

Alexis pov
They all looked flabbergasted. Perhaps, because of my knowledge towards them. I smirked splinter still has to show them alot more before sending them to the shredder.

"What? You didn't know how well known you guys are" my British accent hitting hard.

"How do you know us exactly, miss?" Leonardo looked me up and down, as if trying to find something.

"I know people, i steal stuff, break rules, info just kinda appears at your door like newspaper, no big deal, mate" comeing closer to the group they stood stiff.

"Now back to what we were saying, someone wants to meet you, miss" donatello said while moving to the said.

It was a smaller girl then them "i would like you to guide me through your ways" she started bowing. I couldn't help and smile at her respect. I gave her my approval, standing closer, i began to pat her head.

My little sister use to practice her offer sentence for guidance all the time. I moved back again giving her room to lift her head.

"I accept your offer, yes i will help you to train as a kunitchi" the turtles began to hurdle her with celebration.

I spoke rather loudly, but still with my composure "under one condition, a living home and roof". They all looked at me like crazy

"Im sorry miss....-"

"Alexis " i replied for him

"But first we know what your capable of, not only stealing but also killing!!"

I smiled "I'll give you some time, then mate" sliding the 't' in mate, to catch their attention

The girl was the first to speak through the silence "my names april, maybe will meet again sometime?"

I smiled "i'd love to see you again" she reminds me of my little sister, she was such an angel.

I could feel my heart beating faster remembering what happened. I quickly switched the topic in my head

"Well see you later, Alexis" Leonardo said while walking backwards

I quickly send a few hand signs to indicate to 'come right here at 12:00 a.m tonight'

He simply nodded while leaving. This turtles are the only people who are capable of killing that bastard. If i could team with them i can fanilly have my payback.

Besides once you agree to train another kunitchi noting is supposed to get in your way.

Now with the turtles ○~

Leo's pov
"April, look she can't train you, even if she did agreed" i said while rubbing my forehead.

"But leo, she might be the only other kunitchi that can show me her type of culture". I sighed at her response

"April isn't master splinter training you?" She rubbed the back of her head.

"Yea but he said he doesn't know the secret, and the original culture and moves of kunitchi's" she looked at me with puppy eyes "please leo! This is my only chance to know how to be a real kunitchi"

"Wait, wait how did you even know she was a kunitchi?" She tapped her forehead with her index finger twice. "Right of course *exhales harshly*".

"Yea leo i mean, maybe having a kunitchi fighting against sherrder, will catch him by surprise" donnie said while coming into the room with a box full of something, but that's a question for later.

"donnie, we barely know this girl likely, have her in the lair!" Raph got off the couch and came into the augment. "Like i said, if she's capble of stealing, with a gun she's capble of trying to attack us".

Mickey soon entered too. "I mean if you think about it, she did say she knows people-"

Raph cut him off "exactly for all we know she could know shredder"
"Yea, she could be trying to find our lair in the first place" i said trying to back up raph's point.

After my comment it all turned into an argument. Loud, insulting. I'm pretty sure raph was very close to strangling donnie. That was before master splinter entered the room.

"Quiet!" We all closed our mouths and looked master Splinters way "what seems to be the problem.... ah yes, april" he came closer to the group "explain to me why you guys are fighting, april"

After a few minutes april explained to master splinter why we were fighting, he stroked his berad "well, a problem that has to be solved the only way possible. April already made the choice of asking, so if she agreed there's no turning back now"

"but, master she could be a huge a threat, and-" master splinter cut me off

"But noting my son, ethier she's to be invited or she will become a threat to all of us, except april"

"Well, that doesn't seem fair to us" Mickey said "would it be fair to attack your student, Michael angelo?" Michey pondered for a few seconds, "well i guess not" he smiled

"Good anwser, my son" he turned around, before leaving he said "Leonardo, tomorrow you will look for that kunitchi, and bring her here!" He said softly, but sternly.

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