part 11

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Alexis pov

I woke to the familiar scent of musky, and sweet, it was leo. I smiled, he didn't leave yet. I notice, he was hugging me. So i slowly lifted his arm, giving me time to get up, i put his arm down. I got off the bed, ever so slowly,without making a sound. I stepped on the cold floor, towards my dresser.

Quickly opening it and putting on socks, I felt much better. Soon I took off my sweater, though before I continued to strip a looked for an outfit.(a/n outfit on top). Though before i could put the clothes on, leo moaned, saying that he was waking up. I didn't get nervous, i still atleast had under garments, so it wasn't that serious. Though i'm pretty sure he didn't notice, because he was rubbing his eyes while walking over to me. He soon putting his arms around my waist, his face on the crook of my neck.

"Good morning" he mumbled, which was a relief because i don't have to smell his morning breath. I sarcastically coughed for him to notice. It wasn't embarrassing, it was funny, though i was still blushing a light pink. He opened his eyes, soon realizing, that i was only in pants and a bra. His eyes widening, he let go of my waist.

"Oh sorry, I'll... just l-leave" he stumbled and stuttered. I giggled, grabbing his wrist, forcing him to turn around, getting on my toes i gave a peck, letting him to leave, fanilly. I could see him smile while he walked away.

when he left, i took my towel and clothes (outfit above) i entered the bathroom. Turning the water on warm, i took a shower, putting on my vanilla&lavender shampoo. As well putting on my berries scented bodywash.

Exiting the shower, i dried myself off, putting some berries scented lotion. I then dressed myself (outfit #1) looking in the mirror, i looked decent, for patrol, and training. Leaving my room i looked around, going towards the tv. Leo was on que, watching space heroes, i giggled, sitting on the floor next to him. He noticed but didn't take his eyes off the tv. I grumbled, it was early, i was bored, and i wanted a attention.

I soon remembered the only good thing of being half cat, you can turn into a a full cat as well. Laying my arms and head on his lap, he still had his eyes foucsed on the television. Though he put his hand on my head, so i slowly began shifting, in my mountain lion sized body. My four fingers began to shift to paws, my belly expanded, my tail becoming smaller, my spin shifting, and my shoulders as well. Which felt weird, being i hadn't changed in a long time.

soon he began petting me like a cat, wtf!?!!??? How can he still not notice, i gave a small growl. Which fanilly got his attention, "ahh! What the hell" he screamed, running away, i chased after him, which was easy, being speed was one of my greatest aspects. Soon i tackled him to the ground. Changing back to a human was faster then changing into a mountain lion. I completely changed back.

"hahaha, you should have seen your face!" His once closed eyes, quickly opened, his blue eyes shining. He soon joined my laughter, "hehe, don't scare me like that, i though you were gonna eat me alive!". I smiled, getting off of him. "Maybe i should prank one of the boys!", he nodded in agreement. "Do mickey, with all his energy, he'll be up in a few" just as in que a door opened. Leo ran in front of the television, as if he was distracted. I quickly hid, changing in to my ML (mountain lion) form.

"What's with all the noise dudes" he was rubbing his eyes, i crouched down, shuffling towards him. I was close enough to him so he had time to run, but still be caught. "Roar!" I roared as loud as a lion, though it was still very threatening. He looked around, seeing me very quickly, he ran for his life, leo already laughing, i tackled him to the ground, he was still screaming. I licked his face, he soon shut up, looking surprised. I then continued to lick and play with him, like a dog.

He started laughing, "heel, heel, ah~ that tickles!" It was very cute, though mickey was like a baby brother to me, he wasn't in any way attractive. I soon got off of him walking away towards leo. Laying down, my head on his lap, "leo where did you find it!" Leo giggled "it's a she mickey, and i didn't find her, it's alexis, see she'll show you!"

He pointed towards me. I shook my head i was tired. And this transformation was comfortable, he stroked my fur fill head, "come on alexis, you ok?" I knew he was panicking, "come on, maybe donnie will know" oh yea, donnie should be awake by now. He exited his lab "i should know what?" He took a look at me and screamed "oh my gosh! What in the world is that!" Leo reasured him it was only me. "Oh then what's wrong?"

Leo explained how i didn't want to change back and he was afraid that i couldn't change back forever. "Leo maybe your over reacting, maybe she likes that form." I yawned giving the hint that i was tired. "Ethier, she likes to yawn, or shes tired, leo just calm down, she might just be tired." He breathed, feeling stressed. Donnie and i rolled our eyes.

Leo sat on the couch, slowly calming down, he was making it such a big deal, i got up off the floor, walking towards him, jumping on the couch, kneeding it before i sat down. Half of me on his lap, the other on his couch, raph was last to awake, one look at me and he was fully awake. For some reason, he had his sais, which was wierd. When he saw me on top of leo he panicked.

"Don't worry leo i'll get you out of there!" He got closer to stabbing me, but i was quick on my feet, i jumped about half a yard away. I hissed at him, my long threatening teeth showing.

Leo obviously not ok with the situation, jumped infront of him, stopping him. "Raph, it's just alexis! Chill out man!" He said pushing him back. Raph understood, but was confused on how leo reacted. "Oh, well sorry alexis, though dude she's perfectly fine, it's not like she's your girlfriend or anything" i laid down crossing my paws, still tierd, i my ears laying down.

His expression lightend up, while my ears soon perked up, while i picked up my head up. Raph smiled, "leo and alex, sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" Rolling my eyes i 'meowed', and continued to rest. Leo confessed for both of us, of course not going in to detail (of our make out sessions). Someone was petting from my head to my back. Opening my eyes slowly, i looked to find it was mickey. "Aww your just so adorable!" I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time today. He tackled me i got up and he sat on my back.

He hitched a ride on my back, I, with my incredible strenght, rode him around. Atleast that's what it looks like.

One of my mosy weirdest cliff hangers.
I'm sorry that the book doesn't have any adventure in the story, im just not the best at action. This will probably more of a daily basis story.
*pictures of her transformation next chapter*

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