part 9

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Alexis pov
I could hear the conversation from the outside of the dojo. "Their in the dojo raph, go check if you want" donnie replied. My perked ears went down, "looks like raph's curious, love" I slowly got up. He then understood, getting up as well. "Thanks for the lessons, alexis" I nodded. "Anytime, love."

Leo only said this beacause raph just entered the dojo. "Well i've got worked todo-, oh hello raph!" I acted surprised being that my back was turned to him. Raph shrugged, leaving us again. "That was nice leo, we should continue it" I said turning around. I was about to leave, he grabbed my wrist, spinning me around, giving me a quick peck on my lips. While going to my ears "we should, meet me at 1:30 in the living room. Perhaps you'd like a date of some sort?"

I nodded "I like that idea, I'm definitely up for it" I gave him a quick peck. Exiting the dojo. Before i could leave, I got a pat (just a touch, not a slap or anything) on my back. My tail sprung up, my ears perking up. I quickly took my tail, straightening it out. My tense back, was one of my weak spots, besides my tail. Quickly going to my new room. I knew he was staring at me while I left.

~ 12:00 a.m.~

I wore something comfortable yet cute. (Photo above) though I was still nervous. For one, it's my first time with this new sensai, and I've always been a goodie, goodie. And second is that, what if he sets me up, his room is across the hall. And for me to enter, it would be super wierd.

20 mintues later I was ready, one I had my shower, quiet one might I add. While shaving my legs which even if i were not to put on shorts, they desperately needed it. I was drying my self, and then putting on a full body of lotion, and getting a few things in my yellow bag, and getting my mp3 player. And my large earphones.

After another 10 minutes of getting ready, and relaxing. I heard a door open, and walking down the stairs, of the hall. Of course it was leo, no one heard him, only me because of cat ears. I checked my bag one more time.
1st gun
Extra amo
Mp3 player
Mini perfume
My phone

Perfect. Everything in check, I opened the door to my room and tip toed, which was easy, still haven't put on my combat boots, to prevent noise. I soon got to the bottom. Leo sitting on the couch still hasn't noticed me, i sat down aswell, frightening him. I began to put my boots on, making sure to make it entertaining |>:)| I could feel his eyes watching. I finished, getting up. Putting one of the guns in my right combat boot.

"Where to, love?" He smirked, "not too sure if you'll be able to keep up" I raised an eyebrow, "is that so?" I ran to the entrance of the lair, when he looked he seemed surprised. When he ran towards me, I was already on the move. (She forgot her bag, leaving her with only her gun in her combat boot) by the time I jumped to the ladder of the sewer lid, leo pulled me down. I squeled "leo!" He hugged my waist, spinning me around. "Alexis!" He said, copying my accent, and tone.

He put me down. I quickly lift the lid, jumping on one of the nearby fire escapes. He put the lid back. Looking for me, after he found me, I squeled. Leaving and landing on the roof. I started looking for him, when suddenly someone, grabbed me by the waist. I squeled, again I turned around, leo smiling at me.

"Come, I know a great pizza place, great thing is, us mutants are always invited" i smiled, "that sounds delightful!" We chased each other around the town, until we got to this small wore down shop. "Here it is!" For some reason, it was cozy, the shop seemed like home. Though some girls would find it a stupid choice for a 'date', i found it cute, and nice. It was simple, yet delightful.

"It's.. cozy, yet beautiful" he smiled at my honesty. He opened the door for me, like a gentlemen. "Thank you", "your welcome". We entered the shop, and soon leo greeted some blind man. "Hello mr. Murakami" the old man turned around, "hello leonardo, who's this?" I smiled, he could sense my presence. "My name is alexis, pleasure to meet you" he put his hand out first, I gladly shook it.

"Now what would you guys like" leo was first to order, "pizza-gyoza!" Mr.murakami smiled "for the lady?", i smiled "what a gentlemen, what's the best to eat?" He smirked "well, what's your favorite dish?" I pondered "well if their's one thing I never find, it would be a good batch of sushi"

he smiled, getting straight to work. It was amazing, it was as if he could really see. It was amazing I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. When he finshed, "one dish of pizza-gyoza, and another of Japanese sushi!" I clapped, leo soon following "that was amazing sir murakami" he raised an eyebrow, under his glasses.

"May I ask how your accent is so strong." "Well, i was born in japan, while still a baby I then moved to england, and I moved here only about a year ago" he nodded, "wow, i never thought I'd see a lady from britain so restraint like your self!" I nodded, many teenagers in Britain were influence by so many bad things its almost impossible to find a well behaved as myself. (Not to pat myself on the back).

Me and leo began to eat our food when i bit the half of a roll, it was like it exploded in my mouth. It was a combination of tuna, guacamole, and rice with seasame seeds, with a hint of wasabi, and the delicious seaweed!

"Mmm, love you've got to try this!" With my chopsticks I picked one up, dipping it in soy sauce "say ahh~♥" he opened his mouth with a light pink blush I smiled he was absolutely adorable! As soon as he swallowed, I gave him a small peck on the lips, which he enjoyed. While almost finishing my food he also did the same "say ahh~♡" it was my turn to blush, he was clearly mocking me. I took a bite, it was so good! It was like a mini pizza with pasta or something!

After we ate Mr.murakami, took our plates, "go now, enjoy the night while still young". Leo insisted in paying but mr. Murakami rejected. Though while leo wasn't noticing I gave him a tip. Not only did he leave us in peace, he also gave us desert on the house!

As we exited the shop we saw some purple dragons, I smiled. "*whisper* it's been long" I quickly took my qun out, Crouching, My blue green eyes turning blood shot red, leo quickly reacting "alexis what are you doing!" He whisper/shouted. I looked more closely and noticed that wasn't the bastard. I soon put my gun away, my red eyes went back to normal, coming out of the trance, walking without leo. How embarrassing, to be caught killing someone, and if it weren't for leo I would have killed the wrong guy, the simple man who brought me to shredder. And if I did have any kind of blood I could have gone crazy in a search to finish my blood lust mood.

Leo soon caught up, as soon as we turned a corner, grabbing my wrist, he spun me around "what was that about?" I left his embrace and jumped on several things to get to the roof top. Sitting on the edge. I can't believe I did that, my mutation completely ruins everything for me!

Another cliff hanger >:)
You must be patient, to receive!

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