Shh, Bad Boy...It's a secret.

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Sean O'Donnell as Wesley Morris 

Gemma Ward as Luna Stoney

Bella Thorne as Krissy

Megan Fox as Megan Brook


I have a best friend, but I'll just get to the point.

My name is Luna Stoney, But I go by Lu. 

I'm sort of a nobody, not a nerd, not an outcast, not a popular, not anyone. But I have a best friend, sure I have a few friends here at school but nothing beats a BEST  friend. My best friend is Wesley Morris. 

Wes and I have been friends since we were kids, one in school can know that we're friends. See, he has a reputation. He's a  bad boy, well. that's what the whole school knows him as, to me he's the gummy candy loving, cartoon watching, tree climbing, cat loving, music addicted, silly boy who ate my iced cream from the first grade. 

Wesley and I are really close, but in school we don't know each other. He texts me sure, but no one knows it's me. I know some others are probably like "What is wrong with you, that's not a friendship! that's just hurtful." And it is hurtful I cry over how we are, but I have a problem. When Wesley told me he wanted to be secret friends because of who he's becoming in school, I couldn't say no. I can never say no to people, he knows that my weakness, but he said that if they knew that him and I were friends they would hurt me. The people he hangs around with aren't really the ideal friends you would want. So he say's he's doing this for my safety and I believe him. 

So for now...I just stay invisible and pretend to be a no one in the halls , but I'll  always be the bad boy's secret best friend.  

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