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1. If you wish to be one of us, know that you are on the right path. The things you have done, the things you are doing, the things that you will do.

2. You will learn to enjoy them all. Each time you find a new way to stimulate your senses, you will learn to love the experience.

3. Whether the most humble or the grandest, you will learn to love them all. You will take joy even in the simplest of things.

4. Especially the simple things. For we are all made perfect in our lords image. Each of us must enjoy what our senses tell us, for that is what they are there for.

5. You will learn to love the pain as much as the pleasure. All things have their place in the world. All things are to be enjoyed. Each day you will learn new ways to appreciate them.

6. We will teach you, guide you, we are one, and we are many. We are your friends, your family, your lovers.



1. The world is a place of passion. It is a place of lust, and a place of love. The world is filled with sensation, and we are a part of that.

2. Without us, the world would be lessened. We are not filth. We are not something to hate and fear. We are as much a part of nature as anything else.

3. We are man, and we are god. You will learn to love yourself, for that is the first step to loving everything around you.

4. You are a child of Slaanesh. You are beautiful, the things you do are beautiful, your life is beautiful. Each day we will learn to appreciate everything around us, through our senses.

5. The wonderful feeling of warmth in the sun, the sensual touch of silk or fur against our skin, the joy of delicious food and drink, the blissful sounds that bring us pleasure.

6. We shall learn from our senses, and through them we will appreciate the world that birthed us. The other worlds, the starts above, even the warp is ours to enjoy.



1. You are not a slave. You are a free person. There is no wrong in what you do. You are a soldier of passion. The things you do, you do of your own free will.

2. It is your right to do as you please, as long as you don't harm others. You are a person, a person with needs. No-one can tell you that the things you enjoy are harmful or wrong.

3. Others may not accept your passions, but that is their right. You will share your passions with the world, for it needs your love. The common person writhes in ignorance, afraid of feelings, terrified of passion.

4. They cower in corners, afraid of the unknown. They are not lost, they are hiding. They are cowards. But you are not, you have the courage to look into the unknown, to explore your feelings.

5. Be proud, for you will bring light to the world. You are a person free of all constraints, free of all judgement. You are a beautiful, passion filled being.

6. You are alive, and you are going to enjoy life to the fullest.



1. There is no experience that is not worth having. If something seems strange or repugnant, you have the right to learn more, and if it still seems repugnant, you can choose to dismiss it.

2. But you must have a choice. If something is kept from you, if something is denied to you then how can you be sure it is to your benefit?

3. If something is forced on you, how can you learn from it? No man is an island. The things that others do will affect you eventually. When you are confronted with something new, why not try it?

4. Perhaps you will find something that you like. Perhaps you will learn something about yourself or the world. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. Why would you not?

5. You have nothing to fear from the unknown. You fear what you don't understand, but if you are willing to learn, there is nothing to fear from novelty.

6. The unexplored is what makes life interesting. Learn all you can. You cannot know too much. Mishaps are a part of life, but they should not deter you. Why should you avoid all that potential excitement? If something goes wrong, at least you have a story to tell.



1. There is no right way to experience life. Some seem to prefer the calm and peaceful; others, the exciting and dangerous.

2. Both are legitimate, as both give you a rush of endorphins and adrenaline. Everything is experience and sensation.

3. You touch, taste, smell, see and hear the world. Why not use your body for other means of sensation? You were born for sensation. Let your mind, body and soul experience all of life. It is a pleasure you deserve.

4. Do not deny yourself of anything. Do not lay claim to a certain activity as being "wrong" or "evil".

5. We are human, and we have needs. Nothing we do is evil, unless it directly causes harm to another person. Then, it is up to you to decide whether the harm outweighs the good.

6. You must embrace your desires. To deny them is to court misery and unhappiness.



1. You are alive. And being alive is wonderful. You are here, now, experiencing the world. It is a gift, but one that people take for granted every day. You are alive, and you are here.

2. You have so much potential, but you can achieve so little if you do not go out and get it.

3. You are restrained by your own limited beliefs. You must be free. You can be free. You must throw off the shackles of fear and inhibition.

4. You must be you. To be alive to experience all of life, to embrace your future ... This is the greatest gift off all that Slaanesh can give you. Do not waste it. Do not throw it away. Make the most out of it.

5. You do not get a second chanc at this life, so make it wonderful. Your future is yours. Create a life for yourself, no matter how humble or extravagent. Everyone starts somewhere, so start now.

6. Follow me, learn from me and we will experience this life together. Welcome to the new dawn, welcome to a new era, welcome ... To a new beginning.


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