chapter 39

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I'm tired of this pregnancy I just want this baby to come out already well that can happen anytime from now because I'm 9 months pregnant...right now I'm sitting on my bed reading one of Busani Dube's books I need water so I get up and as I get up I feel a slight pain on my lower abdomen but I don't pay it no mind as I'm on the stairs I feel water running down my legs...oh God it's time I start breathing deeply and I feel a contraction...


He comes into view and I just look at him he looks down at my legs and I see a frown on his face

Him:baby did you just pee on yourself

I chuckle lightly because he is passing me off


Him:Baby I mean you are wet stop shouting

Me:the baby is coming you idiot go fetch the bag in the nursery..

He looks so shocked he runs to the nursery after a while he comes back with the bag he helps me down the stairs

Me:where is my son??

He runs and takes Nkosi we get to the car I get in and start the breathing as he straps Nkosi in his carseat he gets in and starts driving I look at Nkosi and he smiling looking at me and I smile back at him he goes back to his cartoons on the iPad

Me:hurry the fuck up Busani

Him:haiibo baby this is the fastest I can go I don't want us to get killed

Me:mxm after this baby no more sex for you I swear

Him:haaa baby hawu angeke

Me:we will see nxa

We get to the hospital he takes the bag and Nkosi and comes to my side and helps me out we get in the hospital he yells for help and the doctor comes and assigns me to a room I change into the hospital gown the doctor checks how many centimeters to go so that my baby can come out

Dr:okay Mrs Bhengu you have 4 more centimeters to go then you can push I will come and check you after a while but in the meantime focus in your breathing and don't push when a contraction hits

I just nod he leaves after a few minutes Busani walks in with Nandi and Langa....Ndalo and Lubanzi are also here...

Nandi:hey love

Me:hey baby..

Ndalo looks at Nandi and just rolls her eyes I guess she will never like her...


Well Yaya was telling the truth I'm pregnant I'm 3 months pregnant and Lubanzi is so happy he even proposed and he paid damages I told him to wait on paying the lobola not now I just want to enjoy my pregnancy without worrying about the negotiations and everything else I was watching TV with Lubanzi when Busani called saying Yaya is in labour and yes I moved in with Lubanzi

I know it may seem as if I'm moving too fast but I love Lubanzi this feels right and right now we are at the hospital Lubanzi is holding Nkosi while Nandi is in Yaya's face I really don't like her however I messed up my relationship with Yaya and I guess I will have to suck it up and be happy that I'm still in her life...

Yaya looks like a mess she makes me not look forward to giving birth I wonder how much pain it is because I'm really scared of pain

Langa:hey sis

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