Chapter 4 Meetings

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The next day

Naruto was getting ready to go to school when Sindri opened the door with a worried face making Naruto sigh as he knew what happened.

"Naruto quickly his majesty has died" Sindri said with a panicked tone showing her worry.

"Don't worry I'll go get his ass back here can you just stall all of his meeting for a while?" Naruto said making the attendant nod her head "well I'll be off then" he said as he lest the room ready to go to Kur.

1 hour later in Kur.

Naruto was walking though the lands of Kur peaceful as he much preferred this underworld to any other manly due to the fate that Ereshkigal was the goddess and leader of this version of it and he knew how much she loved to take care of those that come into her domain.

"Where is that good for nothing brother of mine that keeps causing us trouble?" Naruto asked himself as he continued to wander but stopped and started to run to the location of Ereshkigal as she would be able to find him faster.

After a while Naruto managed to find Ereshkigal sleeping on her stone throne peacefully making Naruto smirk as he new just what to do.

"Is that Ishtar how did she make it this far she probably here to kidnap another one of your souls from the underworld" Naruto shouted making the goddess jump out of her throne and pick up her spear and looked around frantically but stopped when she heard laughing.

"That's not funny Naruto I actually thought she was here" Ereshkigal said with a pout making her look cuter than she already was.

"sorry, sorry I couldn't stop myself when you were sleeping" Naruto said with a smile "how have you been Ereshkigal?" Naruto asked the goddess who smiled.

"I've been good although I have been a little lonely with out my friend to play with me" she answered her friend "But enough with that why are you here Naruto?" she asked him.

"Gilgamesh worked himself to death... again" Naruto said making the goddess nod her head in understanding "I wanted to know where he was so I can take him home." He continued to say.

"Sure, let me work my magic and I'll bring him here" she said making Naruto nod his head with that she hit her spear against the ground and used her authority to bring Gilgamesh to them. It didn't take long as soon as she was done Gilgamesh was standing in front of them with a confused look.

"I swear I wasn't here a minute a go" he said making the Demi-god and goddess sweat drop at the man's carelessness "oh well I see that you're here to take me back Naruto" Gilgamesh continued making Naruto nod his head.

"I swear how we put up with you is beyond me" Naruto said making Gilgamesh laugh "well we'll be off now Ereshkigal and I'll be sure to visit you when I can" Naruto said as he put his hand on Gilgamesh and the two fade into golden particles.

When the two reappeared, it was in Gilgamesh's office and there was a stack of paperwork waiting for him to complete.

"I miss being able to do that it used to make me look badass" Gilgamesh complained to his brother "anyway now that done I can continue my work" However before he could move he was tied up in Enkidu's chains.

"Now brother that won't do we don't want mother to raise hell if she learns you worked yourself to death... again" Naruto said making Gilgamesh pale at the thought of his mother. "Now behave and go to sleep" Naruto told his brother who nodded his head but had a smirk.

"So, when are you going to asked Ereshkigal out" he said making Naruto pause "Naruto everyone can see that the two of you are in love" Gilgamesh said making Naruto sigh.

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