Chapter 10 Aftermath

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It has been 3 months since the Sumerian-Shinto faction fought the biblical faction and tricked them into going back to their factions HQ locations only to be trapped there to prevent them from interfering with humanity directly anymore.

The Sumerian-Shinto had received many thank you letters and gifts from other pantheons who had problems with the biblical faction and their arrogance of how they invade other people's countries and then complain when they are attacked in compensation.

One of the people who sent a thank you letter was Hades as he had being having problems with the biblical faction and their constant revival of humans and turning them into angels or devils. Hades had constantly asked the angels and devils to stop as it was throwing off the balance of life and death and the only response that he got was 'we need more angels/devils to fill in the losses we suffered from the great war'.

The response he got angered him so much that he was about to send in an army of grim reapers and legions of undead to attack both the underworld and heaven however thanks to Persephone calming him down the crisis was adverted.

So far, the church was in panic as they could no longer connect to the angels and were at a loss at what to do and were in a lock down ordered by the pope in order to try and find a way to fix the problem. Many members of the church cut ties with it when they saw the chaos becoming either retired or rouge exorcists.

The angels were lost as they had lost the only connection they had to their farther, humanity and his wish for them to guide them to salvation and into the arms of heaven. Some of the angels had fallen from a range of emotions and had to be quarantined away from the other angels or were killed as they couldn't banish them from the heavens. Michael and the leaders of the angels were busy trying to find a way back to earth.

There were some fallen angels that were left behind that didn't join the fighting nor did they leave for the underworld as they were partying or doing something else on a land owned by the fallen angels. Those left over went into hiding from fear of being hunter by the other pantheons. There were other problems within the Grigori such as the fallen angels being split into two groups the pro war and pro peace faction one group wants large scale war while the other want peace to study sacred gears, the only reason why they haven't broken into civil war was because of the strict leadership keeping things under control.

The devils didn't have that many problems however the few they did have were causing massive problems because of being stuck in the underworld the devils could no long make or continue the contracts that they made with people causing a loss of money, influence and power, another problem they were experiencing was the stray devils because they couldn't escape from the underworld they would either cause massive destruction killing large amounts of devils or would go into hiding not to be found, to counter this problem groups of hunting parties were formed and started hunting them down for a reward.

The rouge elements that were left behind by each of the faction were ether killed by the pantheons of the world or were captured if they had special circumstances and were took back to their homes however because of this most of the rouge element came together to from a sub-biblical faction full of the rouge element from each faction to protect themselves from the other pantheons and then they formed an alliance with the Khoas brigade.

So far, the Sumerian-Shinto pantheon took it upon themselves to keep the peace due to the face they had some of the strongest people in the world as well as their desire for peace. They did this by opening communication channels between each pantheon where they can talk to each other. So far, the pantheons that have joined their want for peace are the Greeks, Norse, Hindu and the Egyptians with many other pantheons talking about joining.

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