Chapter 9 War

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It has been a month since the declaration of war the Sumerian-Shinto faction declared against the biblical faction and so far, the only thing that has happened was the biblical faction trying to spy on the united pantheons however that failed due to the fact that the Youkai were moved to the dimension where Uruk was for their protection and the biblical faction couldn't find Uruk to try and spy upon.

The Sumerian-Shinto faction just kept making plans and making defendable positions that act as a line of defence to protect Uruk and other key places in Japan. The Sumerian-Shinto pantheon plan to smear the credibility of the Biblical faction work perfectly as no one wants to support the biblical faction due to their actions.

Naruto was currently walking with Ereshkigal through Kyoto on a date with each other as they often visit stores for Naruto to buy anything that catches Ereshkigal attention and then storing it in his gate of Babylon.

"So, what do you think the future has in store for us" Ereshkigal asked as she looked at Naruto who let a tiny smirk cross his face.

"Who knows? Anything could happen" Naruto said mysteriously making Ereshkigal look at him with a pout.

"You know what is going to happen and you're not going to tell me are you?" Ereshkigal asked cutely using the puppy dog eyes trying to convince him to tell her.

"Nope I'm not but I can say it will be fun" Naruto continue walking forward trying his hardest to ignore the ultimate attack that all women know.

"Your no fun" Ereshkigal sulked as she puffed her cheeks out.

"And your too cute for your own good" Naruto replied as he turned to face her and pinch her cheeks.

"Owie" Ereshkigal moan out in discomfort.

"We should head back now it is getting late." Naruto told her as he grabbed her hand and lead her to the ziggurat.

Once they were in the throne room of the ziggurat, they saw everyone talking to each other while Gilgamesh (Archer) was being the loudest with his constant shouts calling people mongrels however he was stopped by Ninsun giving him a piercing glare shutting him up much to the amusement to everyone else in the room.

"Hahahaha it is truly fun to watch my brother be put into his place by our mother" Naruto laughed out loud making everyone look at him however both Gilgamesh's eyes were twitching in annoyance, but the best reaction was from Ninsun who gave Naruto a beaming smile.

"Of cause after all my baby boys are all good boys that listen to their mother" Ninsun replied making Naruto and both Gilgamesh embarrassed however everyone else laughed however the laughter didn't last as everyone in the room sensed a large amount of people coming towards Kyoto.

When the group look out the doors, they saw a large amount of fallen angels, angels and devils wearing different type of armour and using different weapons ranging from light spears to cursed swords.

Quickly getting everything prepared Gilgamesh (caster) activated his spells and swapped Kyoto with Uruk with the Dingirs prepare to fire after a few seconds they launched volley after volley of magical bombardment at the approaching forces.

"Well, this is sudden of them, but oh well" Amaterasu said much to the other people agreement.

"Oh well I'd would like to see how well they handle the combine power of humanity. These mongrels should feel lucky to experience such a thing" Gilgamesh (archer) said much to the agreement of his other self and Naruto.

"Well said, now then how should we counterattack?" Naruto said making everyone think about what to do next.

"Maybe you should go face the rest of their forces by yourself Naruto or archer this way we can keep the other players close to are chest." Amaterasu spoke out getting nods of agreement from the other people in the room.

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