Old friends, new memories

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Disclaimer: so this may be a tad bit confusing, so allow me to clarify: Pink girl: Karen. Stitched up one: Amber. Flower one: Kamri. ( just in case I say stuff like: the potato girl said yes. Now, we may begin.

Bonnie's group was out shopping, they went fairly often.

Most of the time it was because Bonnie needed fabric or Scout needed some new hiking gear or something like that.

On one occasion they went to get a new toaster for Karen, turns out she had tried making toast and decided she was going to stick her fork inside, so the bread had company.

In the end, she caused a small fire and a near heart attack for Slate, who had come home to find her screaming.

Amber had come along with them for this particular time because Kamri was coming. Turns out the flower-adorned girl had run out of Roses and wanted to get some more, and Bonnie had called her whole crew over to all go to the floral shop.

Amber was looking around with boredom. If she was being honest with herself; all of the flowers looked the same. What was the difference between a Back-eyed Susan and a Sunflower? They looked the same. And if anyone tried to contradict her statement then they would be the next Black-Eyed Susan. She chuckled inwardly at her half-joke. On the thought of bad jokes, the stitched-up girl noted to call Carson and ask if the scientist could make something for her. She looked around to see Bonnie with the same bored expression on her face that Amber knew was on her face. Karen and Scout were chatting happily while looking at the cacti.

As she continued to scan the isles her eyes landed and something familiar.


Suddenly a memory hit her like a baseball bat to the elbow.

She could see it, as Amber looked around, she didn't see the large floral shop with fluorescent lights, but a run-down shack with various seed packets in dirty brown packages.

The stitched-up girl looked to her right to see a girl, her curly red hair cascaded down her back. Lillian's hair sparkled like a ruby, every ringlet curled to perfection. Amber paused. How had she known this girl's name? She scanned the curly-haired girl again. This time she saw that the girl, who was supposedly named Lillian, had electric green eyes. They were utterly gorgeous.

Then something in her mind clicked.

This was her sister!

How could she have forgotten, their family had finally caved in, after a lot of begging, and took them to a floral shop!

She smiled fondly at the memory, a sound then snapped her out of her happy thoughts." Look! Amber! They have Lillies! Those are my favorites! Could I possibly borrow some money from you to pay for them? Pretty please! "

The girl begged Amber. Amber felt those emerald green eyes gaze at her with pure joy. The taller felt smile creep onto her lips

" Of course. "

She handed her sister two dollars and smiled, Lilian then picked up a pack of Lillies

" Thank you so much! I'll pay you back next week! "

The girl with curly hair happily paid for her flower seeds then hugged Amber.

Amber was surprised but she hugged her sister back happily. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten a hug from her sister. She couldn't remember the last time she had been hugged by anyone. They both let go and walked out of the store with smiles on their faces. Amber felt at peace. She knew they had to get home quickly or else the two girls' parents would yell and scold them on their tardiness. She didn't want to hear a lecture right now.

As Amber walked and thought silently to herself, she abruptly ran into the doorframe.

She fell due to the collision, while on the floor she looked around and squinted at the bright lights that had infiltrated her retinas. She was now back in the floral shop with all of her friends staring at her as if she ate a KitKat up and down. Amber stood up quickly, but that did not stop the prying eyes of her friends and the store manager " S-Sorry- " She said in the most apologetic voice she could muster. It wasn't enough. The group couldn't stay in the store any longer due to Amber begging them to leave, so they left after grabbing what they needed.

" What was that, Amber? "

Bonnie questioned sternly, Amber didn't blame her, that must've been a really weird and awkward experience for them.

" Are you okay? Maybe you should take a nap.."

Kamri said, she looked and sounded worried. Amber inwardly scolded herself, she probably made Kamri think she was more weird and stupid than she had thought previously. " Yeah, I'm fine. I just started thinking about some..stuff.. "

Amber responded while looking at the ground. She couldn't bear to see them look at her like she was crazy " What did I do anyway?- "

Amber questioned, the more she thought about it the more it faded away from her memory. " You just started staring into space and muttering things. You even started smiling at some points.. "

Scout said. Like Kamri, he looked like he was scared as he nervously fidgeted with his hands. Karen nodded as to say that the information was accurate, she looked shaken up as well.

" Are you okay? "

The pink one questioned with worry laced in her words. Amber looked at them, she must've scared them. She felt guilt weigh on her shoulders. " I'm fine, don't worry. "

Amber said reassuringly. She smiled as she saw Scout perk up a bit. Bonnie smiled while trying to change the subject. " Well, we've got what we needed. Do you guys want to come to my house? "

Bonnie questioned, even though she was going to take them there no matter what response she got.

Karen nodded multiple times as she replied.

" That would be nice! "

Amber agreed and nodded. Kamri smiled " I would love to come! " she said happily. Everyone's gaze shifted to Scout, who throughout all of this was silent, he then spoke softly " I'll ask Kayleb, but he's probably going to say no... " Karen smiled at him " That's okay- we can hang out another time! " Karen said happily. Bonnie nodded. Amber looked at them all, she could not wait! This was her chance to make a move on Kamri! " Please Scout! It's okay to rebel once! Just tell him you are still here at the mall, he won't mind! " Kamri said excitedly, She assumed the flower-adorned girl shared her views on wanting to hang out. Scout's skeletal face formed into a frown " But isn't that lying?- " He said, doubtful of lying to his brother. Bonnie put an arm around him, she did this often to everyone to be dramatic " It's not lying! Just..bending the truth! " she said happily. Amber nodded " It's not the end of the world- " she stated flatly. 

1201 words, not including this :) 

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