we off the grid grid grid

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Disclaimer: this was joint training Arc
Kobayashi's POV: Alright, me and the homies are getting ready for our first combat training against Class A. Tokage said something that made me send shivers down my spine: "Do your best, bae". Man, I knew she was bi, but she called me "bae". This is the best day ever, or so I thought. I saw Eraserhead and Mr. Kan together with a special guest: Class C's very own Hitoshi Shinso.
After he finished his speech, we all gave him a hand, and Mr. Kan and Eraserhead explained all the rules for these matchups. And I got Team 4, with Awase, Kamakiri, and (surprise, surprise) Tokage. And right away, we started making this plan. Class A's team 4 had Bakugo, who was one of their top students. And I ran up on that boy and said: "Hey, I just want to make a bet with you. If we win, we finna raid your house". And he said: "Shut the hell up, you weakling! Go back to Congo"! Well, THAT comment made me want to beat him even more. We're going to this one, even if we have one person down. Up first was Team Tsu(cuz she told me to call her that), vs. Team Shiozaki. Something tells us that class we got this one in the bag. Heck, we might even win the whole thing. Who knows? So Tsu's team won, and it's 1-0, Class A.

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