Chapter 14

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Indigo's POV

"Hey Ashton " I greet him and put Carsen down . Carsen started running and bump to Luke

"Hey there." Luke said

"So , you need my help? " I ask

"Totally " he said. "By the way , who's this lucky girl ?" I ask

"Y/N . she is really beautiful " he said

"Ok let's sit first and tell me. " I said

"If you need a girl advice or boys . im here" I said

"Thanks " he said , softly.

"So tell me how you met her ? " I ask

"She was a YouTuber . I met her at the park when I take Carsen for a walk and she was vlogging her vid .she didn't go like all fanatic girl does . scream and cry . she keeps it's inside " he told me

"That's cool "I said

"Is she a #cindigo shipper? " I ask

"Oh she said that" he said. . Cool . I ran around the house cause I'm happy

"Ok what's next? " I ask

"I told her maybe we could hang out sometimes and she said it was cool and we planned out today. " He smile

"Where are you taking her ? "I ask

"Since this is our first . I didn't want it to be awkward " he scratch the back of his hair

"Oh you Little worry head . take her somewhere she deserve . " I said

"Does she tells you what she like ?" I ask

"No consider that we just met " he said

"You said she was a YouTuber right ? " I ask "yeah " "You should watch her 20 facts vid . maybe if that's help . it'll figure out " I offered

"That's a great idea " he said

"I'll get my laptop" he said and run upstair .

"In ,look . I teach him how to spin " like beamed

"Carsen spin " he Insist and Carsen started spinning

"That's cool . teach him more and thanks " I said . Ashton arrived next to me

We both watch y/n "20 facts about me" and it seems to help

"She like football? " I ask

"Yeah she says it here " he said

"So , what if you bring her to a football match as your date and be around her . you now just first be friend and cool then be likely and datey. " I said

"That's cool . I have to book the ticket first " he said

"Ofcourse you will " I said

"Gimme your phone " I said

"Huh? " He ask blankly

"Just give me that" I said . he passed me his phone

"Enter your passcode stupid " I throw him the phone

"Oo" e said and type it quick

He passed me the Phone and look at his chat

I saw y/n in it and I act like Ashton

"Hey it's me .are we still on ? " I pressed done

"Ofc, we are . where are you taking me ? " She replied

"It's uh - just a suprise . I guess but wear something comfy like sporty bit " done

"Okay . no prob. " She replied

"I'll pick you at 7"

"Ok then . bye xx " she replied

"You'll pick her at seven and I told her that she'll wear something comfy sport " I said

"Thanks " he said "for what? " I ask

"For all of this . you are really nice indigo " he said

"It's ok . you're like a big bro here " I said

"Carsen let's go " I shouts

Later Luke came here with Ashton in his hand

"I noticed . where's my rainbow guy ? " I ask looking around

"He's off with friends " Ashton answer

"Ok. I'll see you guys sometimes . bye " I waved and put Carsen in his place

He bark at them . "bye "they waved

I walked to my car . and put Carsen on the front seat

Calum is with joy . he has to settles a few things

"Why don't we get daddy? " I ask Carsen . he just bark . "I take that as agree " I said

We drove to joy's house . I rush inside with Carsen cause it's really cold outside

I knocked on the door soon the door open and reveal Calum .

"Babe. Come in why are you here ? " He ask

"I'm bored. " I told him "kk"he said

"Honey who's here?" Joy's voice . I can tell she was at the kitchen

"Indigo mom . with Carsen "he replied

"My fav girl . come here ! " She shout. I set Carsen down

I walked to the kitchen and saw joy making some drink

"Hey " she greet and pulled me into a hug

"How's everything's going ? " She ask "perfectly fine . how's your ? " I ask

"Great " she answer.

We both talk while eating . Calum soon joins us

"Bye" i hugged joy "it's nice letting you guys stay " she said

"Bye"she said to Carsen . we drove to out house "I haven seen Mali . where is she ?"i ask.

"She's at her bf" Calum answer .

We went home and hang out a bit . and sleep

I wish Ashton good luck with his date.

A/N: fyi, I'll use Y/N , just for a little time .as u know , I need a volunteer for Ashton's very quick .

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