Being who?

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Alya's POV

After finding out Marinette's identity being Ladybug other than feeling her pain in being the everyday hero I feel guilty.

Finding out her identity, asking her for favors, making plans without letting her know first, even shutting down her suspicions about Lila. However, just because she is Ladybug she is still human underneath the mask. She struggles in not getting akumatized while Lila is taking all the spotlight away from her.

"Alya you ok?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I looked over towards Marinette.

"Yeah just thinking over about everything before you told me your secret." I said.


"Well even without you revealing your identity to me I feel terrible about myself and how much Lila has been hurting you even as your civilian form." My throat becomes dry as I walk over to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"It's not your fault Alya."

"It is Marinette how else am I going to be a good reporter? Knowing that you are Ladybug is understandable of me knowing you are good but I need to think about your feelings. After all we live in a city with a villain who takes advantage of our emotions whenever we feel negative and knowing how much you have to bottle up your stress because you are Ladybug makes me more guilty.

"Everything is good between us."

"Yeah but our friends don't know about and are taking in Lila's lies. She almost got you expelled and the last thing we don't need is you fighting yourself from an akuma Marinette." I looked at the time on my phone.

"Marinette we need to be in class asap right now." I said as we made a run to school by the times we got near our classroom we heard voices coming from our homeroom.

"Wow you really are Ladybug?!" I heard Rose's squeal.

"I can't believe Ladybug is in our class." Ivan said.

Marinette and I exchanged glances at each other that this had to be one of Lila's schemes. We both regained our breaths after running and went inside the classroom.

"Hey can you guys believe Ladybug is in our class!?" Rose said as I looked to see Lila with another girl with shoulder length black hair and brown eyes her skin was a bit lighter than Lila's skin and was a few inches higher than Lila.

"Wow Vanessa you really have what it takes to fight off villains." Kim praised as this Vanessa girl blushed at his compliment. I looked around to see who has fallen for this new girl's trick. So far Nino, Adrien, Chloe and Sabrina are not socializing with the class. Chloe and Sabrina for obvious reasons not to talk with the class, Nino knows the super hero code about identities remaining a secret and Adrien as Marinette told me he knows Lila's tricks but doesn't have the backbone to stop her.

I thought to myself as I looked at Marinette smiling at her. I have a plan. I whipped out my phone and started live streaming and fake believing the stories Lila #2 was saying.

"Vanessa can I livestream you and Lila to confirm that Lila really is Ladybug's best friend?" I pretended to be excited as Lila and Vanessa took the bait.

"Sure thing." Vanessa smiled. As I set up my phone to livestream I went along with the plan.

"Hello lady blogger fans Alya Césaire here and I have an interview with the REAL Ladybug in her civilian form!" I pointed my phone camera at Lila and Vanessa waving at the camera.

"I never lied that Ladybug is my best friend and here she is." Lila sweetly said as Vanessa flicks her hair which almost caused me to gag.

"Well folks we are doing a QnA about Vanessa."

Miraculous Ladybug Scenarios (Aka Exposing Lila)Where stories live. Discover now