She is a step ahead of her foe

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No one's POV

A lot of people whispered about The Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie as they watched as it was shut down for the time being. Apparently there was mice in the bakery which was filmed and posted it online in which the police and health inspectors had to check it out.

While Tom and Sabine were handling the situation Marinette had to go to school and face some backlash about what happened to the bakery. Some students in the school had different opinions about the situation some give Marinette sympathy while others not so much. Spreading rumours about the bakery endangering customers with the mice being discovered. Teachers did their best to control the students from attacking Marinette mostly Ms.Mendeliev.

Ms.Mendeliev threatened if anyone spoke or hurt another student she wouldn't hesitate to call their parents and explain about their behavior. Which silenced most of those who don't want to face their science teacher's punishment and took her word. However, some had their way to continue harassing Marinette overall of what others tell them.

"Marinette are you ok?" Her faithful kwami Tikki asked her owner after hearing so much negative comments about her and her bakery.

"To tell you the truth Tikki I am hurt but I'm glad this happened." Marinette said.

"How come?" Tikki looked puzzled by Marinette's response.

"Because now I can see who actually cares about me rather than what I have. I have been wondering if anyone has used me for their own personal gain rather than care for our friendship I had with them. The free food I have been giving them and how easily they can turn their backs on me means they took advantage of my kindness." Marinette explained while rubbing the years off her eyes as Tikki patted her cheek and gave a bit of luck for Marinette to prevent her from being akumatized.

"Let it out Marinette I may not know how you feel but whatever you do right now I will support you as long as you are happy." Tikki said as Marinette hugged Tikki as she spent more time crying in the bathroom.

A few more minutes has passed and Marinette stopped crying so she doesn't attract Shadowmoth's akuma. As soon as she got herself back up and washed her face so no one would notice she had been crying Marinette gathered her confidence back up again and decided to get through this day without anyone trying to take her down.

"If this is how they intend to take me down after what I have done for them then they don't know that they have another thing coming Tikki. I promise I will restore my family's bakery and reputation for them. It's tooth and nail on this one for all of us." Marinette said determined to do whatever it takes for the sake of her parents and bring the person who caused them to go through this to light.

Throughout the school day Marinette endured all the backlash she received from the people who she once considered as friends. Turns out only Nino, Nathaniel, Kim, Rose and Juleka defended Marinette. Not so bad is what Marinette thought since Nino and Kim always knew that her parents were always tidy and clean to even let any pests in the bakery for so long. Rose and Juleka always enjoyed the special pastries they did from cute animal designs to shapes of hearts. Nathaniel enjoys getting some of the special pastries whenever her parents let him to choose.

Of course even outside of the class half the school are divided in who sides with Marinette and who is against her. While she looked around the class who glared at her she noticed Lila with a smug look which of course Marinette wasn't even surprised she would do a cruel act like this.

'I never expected things to get this far but at least I have otherwise I wouldn't have known how many people took advantage of me.' Marinette thought as she went home to check in with her parents and the bakery.

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