Chapter 12

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Rebecca was curvier than Cat, so the soft, dark purple dress she wore was a bit tight but seemed to work. As she turned this way and that in the full-length mirror, she thought she might look a little too enticing to Alex with the tight, sparkling bodice and flared, twirling skirt.

Cat had not only brought a dress that would match shoes Rebecca already had, but some makeup as well. Rebecca could be nothing but extremely grateful. Though she had met the King before, she had never been introduced to the Queen; it was a daunting prospect on a normal day, but a fear-inducing one when she was becoming involved with her son.

Rebecca took a deep breath and felt the fabric stretch against her skin. She would have to be careful how much she ate at dinner, though she was so nervous she thought she'd be hard-pressed to eat anything at all.

"Ready, Rebecca?" Cat asked as she poked her head into the bedroom. "You look fabulous. Stop worrying."

"Sooner said than done, My Lady."

"You're going to be all formal and everything this evening, aren't you?" Cat asked with a sigh.

With disbelieving eyes, Rebecca said, "How can I be anything but, My Lady? I'm to meet the Queen for the first time."

"I suppose. It's a shame you aren't my sister, then you wouldn't have to bother with all the formality."

"You already have three other sisters, My Lady. Would you really like more?" she probed gently.

"Definitely," she said firmly. "One can never have too many sisters. Now, if you're ready, let's go. We wouldn't want to be late."

Cat chattered away as they walked the long, confusing hallways until they reached an open family room. Even with the elegant furnishings, Rebecca was a little startled to see something so cozy and welcoming.

They turned another corner and entered a large sitting room. Lush, antique chairs and couches were scattered around the dormant fireplace, as well as other sections of the room. And there, next to the mantle, stood Alex and his mother, sipping drinks.

"Mama, may I present Miss Rebecca Campo. Rebecca, Queen Genevieve Santoro di Valleria."

Rebecca dropped into a curtsy, deeper and more formal than she gave Cat or the other royal siblings; she was the Queen, after all. When Rebecca stood again, she dropped a small curtsy to Alex, who smiled softly.

"My dear," Genevieve said as she walked to Rebecca and, in a moment of pure surprise, gave her a kiss on each cheek and led her to a sofa. "Come, sit. Alexander, get her a drink. What would you like? Such ghastly business today with the explosion. I cannot even imagine what you're going through."

"Th-Thank you, Your Royal Majesty," Rebecca stuttered as she sat down. "Just some wine, please, Your Highness," she said to Alex.

"Of course," he said in a low voice and began to pour her drink and Cat's. Rebecca wished his voice did not affect her so; with two words, she was transported back to their last kiss against the wall of her suite.

When he handed her a wineglass, he gave her a small wink and she felt her cheeks warm. He then turned and gave a glass of wine to Cat.

"How are you doing, my dear?"

"As well as can be expected, Your Majesty." She took a slow drink and let the icy chill of the wine slide down her throat in relief.

"I'm sure," Genevieve said as she patted Rebecca's hand. "Do I recognize this dress, Catharine?"

"Yes. It's one of mine, Mama," Cat said from her perch on an opposite couch next to Alex, who watched Rebecca with unflinching eyes. "Rebecca lost all her clothes, so I've lent her some of mine."

Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)Where stories live. Discover now