Chapter 18

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Alex walked alone towards the warehouse, which had not been hard to find. It had been harder, in fact, to convince Marcello and the Royal Protection Service of his plan. It would work, he had told them; it had to. Only the conviction and love on his face had made them agree.

It was still light out as he approached the door. The late summer days meant night came late and hid early. As it was, they had just passed lunch, though he had not been able to eat anything. The city was shutting down for riposo, its midday break, and the streets had been fairly quiet. The few who walked nearby gave Alex nary a glance; who would expect to see their future king in the warehouse district?

The suit he wore had been custom designed with a prince's duties in mind. It had several hidden pockets—perfect for a prince who could not be seen in public carrying anything but a phone—one of which now also held a strong beacon to signal the troops at the right moment, as well as a weapon or two. Alex, though retired from the Vallerian Armed Forces, could still outmaneuver and outfight anyone who came across his path; he trained hard, even these days, to ensure it.

Today, however, even without the training and the weapons, he would have found a way to manage. The fury inside him was its own power, and he would use it to save his love. No mere man was a match against the fire coursing through him right now.

The door to the warehouse, unsurprisingly, was unlocked. He eased carefully inside and looked around. He already knew the layout of the building, had spent the last fifteen minutes learning every nook and cranny, every room, every potential hiding place.

With the help of Marcello and an infrared camera, they had determined there were three in the building: all three in one room. Only one person inside the room was moving, the other two with little or no movement.


Alex slowly made his way towards the room, watching for any movement nearby. His shoes left soft taps along the floor, but that could not be helped. Chances were, the person behind all this already knew that Alex was here anyway.

He checked the light under the door for shadows; none lay beyond as far as he could tell. He opened the door and slipped inside.

He saw her and his heart stuttered before a red haze of fury threatened to undo him. She was naked and bound to a makeshift bed at the other end of the large room. Blood and bruises marred her olive skin, and he growled. Her eyes flipped to his, wide and full of fear and tears. She began shaking her head, and he read her gesture a split second too late.

As he swirled around, he came face-to-face with a man he recognized holding a gun. "I wouldn't try saving her, if I was you," Lafayette sneered. He gestured with the gun and Alex walked slowly backward, past an unconscious man and the bed, to the back wall. Rebecca's eyes followed every movement.

"Do you know who I am?" Lafayette asked as he stood near the bed, near Rebecca.

"You're Tavin's security detail."

"Very good. But do you know who I really am?"

"Why don't you enlighten us?" Alex asked through gritted teeth.

"Come now, cousin. Surely, you recognize me now."

Alex's eyes narrowed. "You remind me of my father's cousin, Gerald, from Switzerland."

"I should. I'm the man's bastard son."

"He never mentioned a son, illegitimate or otherwise."

A look of disgust crossed Lafayette's face. "Asshole. He wouldn't. I heard you laughing at him and my terrible sister the other night."

Alexander & Rebecca (Royals of Valleria #1)Where stories live. Discover now