•Chapter Twenty Four•

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Hey extras where the fuck is Zuzu?"

Bakugo growled once he realize both Uraraka and Todoroki were sitting with there significant others and Izuku wasn't around.

"He's in your room~"

The brunette smirked.

"Tsk, what the hell ever. "

Katsuki growled storming up stairs.

"Yo Zuz-"

The blonde stopped midway, once he noticed the freckled teen.

He was sitting Cris cross in a red see through night gown, with his hands balled up into a fists in his lap.
His emerald eyes squeezed shut, as he waited to hear Bakugo's remark.

But the blonde couldn't find his voice, he thought the otherwas the most beautiful sight he had ever seen Izuku.
But right now it topped that 1000%.

"D-Do I look horrible?"

Izuku stuttered, finally opening his eyes, but Katsuki was already taking his shirt off.

"Fuck no. "

"Your fucking gorgeous!"

Katsuki declared, walking over towards him and planting a sweet kiss on his shiny lips.

"Is that strawberry?"

Katsuki asked with a small laugh.

"I-Uhm... Maybe?"

Bakugo smirked at the blush that spread across the boy's freckled body.

"So tell me bunny~"

"What exactly do you want me to do?"

"I-Uhm.... I don't know. "

"But isn't it my turn to.... you know"

Izuku looked down at the blondes crotch and then at the blonde.

Luckily for Izuku, Katsuki could tell he wasn't all that comfortable going that far yet.
He wasn't even all that comfortable giving the blonde a blow job.... though he would if that meant making Katsuki happy.
However Bakugo didn't want Midoriya to force himself into doing anything he wasn't comfortable with.

"Tch, if your not comfortable doing something fucking say it ok? "

"But you-"

"What happened last night brought me some fun too. "

"Maybe not the type of pleasure you had, but it definitely brought pleasure to me seeing your adorable and lucid reactions~"

Katsuki smirked, kissing the freckled boy's lips yet again.

He knew Midoriya was conditioned to believe in order for someone to care for him he needed to repay there kindness in other ways.
But Bakugo was gonna make sure to fix that.


Midoriya moaned out, when Katsuki had bitten a certain place.


"Tell me bunny, how did none of your friends see these?"

Bakugo asked pointing out a couple of days ago hickeys.

"I.... I didn't want them to see my scars. "

"So I made them leave before I came in here and threw it on. "

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